
Jul 25, 2009 22:42

3STP: This is the working abbreviation for the game, it is called a 3-step paradise because it took three gods to create. It is also a joke included by the gods as there is a running them with them and forms of walking. 3STP is also the name of the communication device used by all those who dwell in Paradise

Advocates: Arguably you could say these are VIPs among the pawns, Advocates have been sent from their world by their god(s) with specific instructions, though these instructions are likely to vary wildly between who the advocate is, where they're from, and who sent them...depending on the case, the advocate may not even know they are an advocate until their god begins to give them directions. Instructions might include finding more about the game than is currently available, or disrupting the game for example...of course receiving orders and following through are two different things. They are also the only pawns their gods may initiate any form of direct contact with.

Avatar, The: The current maintainer of Paradise. It handles the upkeep and progress of the gods' game by generating 3STPs, repairing the city after major events, initiating contact with the pawns as a whole, and passing messages from the pawns to their gods...among many many other tasks.

Changing Room: Somewhere in the paradise, the gods have placed a simple room, about the size of a closet. Inside the gods will place whatever amuses them. Like an on-going football game, a waterfall, a forest, a maze of clockwork, perhaps even a vista originating from the place of whoever opened it.

Lab, The: This is part of the reason why the Outerland will not likely change drastically. The Lab is a massive building, it's true size may not ever be known. With climate controllers it is locked in a region of ice and snow, the temperatures being so harshly cold that unless one where one of the residents, an ice-element, or properly adapted to the cold that entry is quite difficult. The surface level of the lab rises two stories from a thick sheet of ice spreading several miles, underneath the frozen waters it's depths are unknown.

Outerland, The: The lands lying outside the paradise, in which time moves much slower: one day out there is equal to four in he city. They are subject to change to the gods whims, but are likely to remain in "sections" that break off, ranging anywhere from a savanna to an arctic wasteland. Various flora and fauna can be found here, and many places to explore, but it is not advised to venture out unless absolutely certain you're capable...the shield is there for a reason.

Paces: The currency in Paradise, used in a card that works like an I.D. and a debit card. It is swiped or scanned for all business transactions, and swiped through the 3STPs for all personal ones.

Pawns: Those placed in Paradise to participate in the game. These souls, fortunate or unfortunate as they may be, are here for a specific reason, though what it is, only the gods know. With only the barest minimum for information, they must get by in the city, though whether or not they're really doing what they're meant to is anyone's guess.

Shield, The: The shield surrounds the paradise, it was originally a perfect circle, but now it isn't. It has doors and the like to allow passage from inside the paradise to the outerlands, but it should be noted that for their own amusement the gods have left it as a work in progress, which means there are times when it might fail, or gaps might appear in it, allowing some of the more "unique" flora and fauna to infiltrate the paradise.
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