Sep 03, 2011 02:45
Hello everyone, just thought I would reveal a little more about myself :)
Well at least regarding my biases
My biases are Dongwoon, TOP and Onew. currently Dongwoon is the front runner of all three (does that make sense?).
I only ship Dongwoon with Doojoon. That's it.Sometimes I may consider Junghyun and I just can't refuse KiWoon,but DooWoon is my OTP. -_- don't try to talk me out of it; my heart already set it's mind to the maknae-leader relationship. I can't even think of anyone better than DooJoon to be with Dongwoon!(I mean if he ever decides that I could be ... You know... Mrs. Son, ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) but let be for real,that ain't happening.
TOP is more versatile for me... Not sure why... With him I don't have an OTP... Sometimes I sit here shipping GTOP but then I just find ToDae so utmost adorable! Then Seungri sneaks outta no where and the SeungWhores are so cute!!!! Lmao I can't stick to one pairing! Does it have something to do with him being my very first bias???? Maybe....
And then there's Onew... Oh Onew... I don't even ship Onew with anyone... Well not human. I only ship him with chicken! XD
As crazy as I sound right now, I really do ship him wiu chicken! Lmfao I mean WTF? Lol I guess I got the Onew Condition and now my brain isn't thinking right :/
I'm just a loyal shipper of OnKen, or ChickOn... *gasp* epiphany strikes! ChickOn... Sounds just like chicken.. Sorta XD I'm a genius! Lmao
Okay now I've really gone looney ... Or have I ??? ;)
Just trying to get some thoughts in order people, for those that are reading :)