106 |

Aug 22, 2008 12:15

Kurama. I've grown tired of your idiocy; let's settle this.

[Action Spam Beginner | | Not Veiwable On Network]

[Hiei isn't dumb, for all of his few words, and so he figured it out relatively quick. Kurama was tainted... Kurama needed to be purified. Flaring his youki in a way to hide the ki emulating from the purification wards strategically scattered around his location-- randomly chosen in the forest and given away by that same youki flare-- Hiei waits.]

[Hiei waits for Kurama.]

[/Action Spam Beginner | | Not Veiwable On Network]

o god no, action post, kill you dead, helping a friend with the healing power, srs bsnss, kurama

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