Jan 12, 2008 15:19

[Private To Kurama | | Warded to Unhackable]

You should best hide that thing in a safe place, if you don't intend on selling it. I shouldn't have to explain the properties it probably has, you've had the most experience with it, anyway.

And if you don't get that healed or stitched up, I'm going to cauterize it.

[/Private To Kurama | | Warded to Unhackable]

Whining over returned items- and pets. If you truly missed them, why didn't you wish for them before?

worrymidget, all of you are idiots, post-plot, paranoia much?, kurama, private, lol i annoy people, lolur dumb, poly event, what chopping block?, freakin' aliums, i didn't get anything!, lolplot

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