Nov 28, 2026 04:11

Oprah totally said I have the best blog in the universe, so I totally have the best blog in the universe; I'd like to welcome my new audience of midwestern housewives to my blog; HI BETSY! You know what? Shout Stain remover really does work, thanks Bev for endorsing it so ardently, it really does get the red out!! Or, is that Visine -- OH, but guess what, THEY BOTH DO!!!

I hafta say I agree with Totsy and brick is really worlds away from siding -- talk about classs vs. trash; I mean, no offense, thats just what I think and Im fron Scranton, so my class may indeed be trash. I mean, I respect everybody; the military, CEOs, the knocked-up ladies in cashmere, EVERYBODY.

Sometimes when I walk down the street I think things and then think another thought, 'yes, I think therefore Oprah adores me!'

Oprah said one plus one is three and I have more of everything.

Maybe Oprah's facile and I need to find a regional talk show host with a less documented but eager audience in order to avoid eye rolls roused by my solicitation of Option A

Is Steadman still around, Oprah? Who fucks you, baby?

sssssssssssh, Ben, Becki & Butters are all sounds asleep. Oprah, dont call me
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