Sep 09, 2003 23:27
Hello all. I'm gonna try to get my thoughts/feelings out again. Wish me luck!!!!
I've been thinking of someone alot lately. I love this person. I'm really going out on a limb when i say that because i have never loved someone before. this is new to me. i worry that it may be over-emphasised infatuation.... I don't know. Is it love? I think about him all the time. Not an hour goes by where he hasn't crossed my mind. He visits me in my dreams. I enjoy his company, even if it's nothing more than just sitting on the couch while he plays his games.
A little history....we dated for a while. We dated for about 3 months. We fit together so well, so damn well. Then things went south. I'm not sure exactly what happened, it may very well be that I was his rebound relationship. I hope not. That would hurt to know.... Anyway, he's pretty much let me know that he doesn't want to see me. I've gone out with other guys, but I keep finding myelf thinking of him. I've called a few of my dates by his name on accident. Isn't life funny? :-$
Well, I don't know where all this was supposed to go....I guess I'll close out. Night y'all....