Mar 17, 2006 23:33
well yet again i am back on here updating again.i don't think i could do it like tasha and amber do.almost daily.well anyways there isn't much going on around here lately youth quake is in 2 weeks and i wont' get to go.i don't think i ever went to one of those because it was far off from here.but its ok i will still go to the concert anyways.i haven't seen hardly anyone in a long time i miss everyone.i still haven't gotten use to shorty not singing at uth but brantley does a awsome job so its cool.well i hope tasha finally got better she was sick.had me worried.don't know what kind of world it would be if tasha wasn't around.i miss amber to wow it seems diffrent not being around them.last year at this time i just then starting to meet everyone out wise and now it doesn't seem like that long but i have pretty much lost all those relationships with all those people.but i guess everyone has moved on now and i was left behind.but its ok i'm use to being odd man out anyways so i guess it all works out.i guess i'm in one of those moods were my life just doesn't seem the greatest right now.i haven't had a good nights sleep since december 18 it hasn't been so good without my papaw i miss him dearly i still can't get the fact into my head that he isn't going to be there every sunday when i went to see him before going home.some i could have went and spent time with him i passed up and now i feel guilty for not doing it.i miss it so bad.i just don't kno what to do.everynight before i go to sleep i think about him and how much he meant to me and that i didn't get to say goodbye to him.i wish i could have.but i didn't get to.i'm glad hes not suffering but i want him back.i just want one more night to spend camping with him or one more night watching westerns all night and going to bed just to wake up and watch them again but it was paradise for me because i loved every second of being with my papaw we always had something to talk about.and i got to hear him play guitar which i loved.he could really play.i just can't go a day without thinking about it or just rembering the old war stories he always told us while we were fishing or out camping by the fire.i loved him so much and i miss him so badly.i need something to cheer me up so if anyone out there ever reads this tell me somethings that u like about me or some how i have impacted you in your life.