Apr 04, 2012 16:19
I can usually remember incidents during the day, or recent events that foster
my dreams. Since I'm old now, there may be some past, way past, events too.
I was at a convention of some sort. I think it had to do with retail or education.
Anyway, I was a part of the presentation team, but not a major player or presenter.
The guy calling the shots was a blowhard, kind of a composite of all the egotistical
bosses I've ever had. He had a ruddy complexion with thinning red hair.
He was telling everyone what to do and how to move things, and I was jumping from
here to there trying to countermand his instructions because he didn't know what
he was doing. That didn't stop him though.
While we were moving chairs and dining room tables, the kind of tables you
have in a school lunchroom, he became distracted and I was really glad! Now
maybe we could get this all done right! I even had hopes that he would realize
that the entire program was stupid, and of course, because I had been studying
the subject matter I could easily make the best presentation! But I couldn't plead
my own case, this just wouldn't be right! So I continued to arrange the convention.
The next thing I know, because I'm a subordinate, I was seated at a small
lunchroom table with three young girls. They were very sweet little girls about
Emma's age, 8 or so. The two girls on my right were indistinct, but the one
right across from me at the table was a very animated little brunette. She
was so lively and pretty! I noticed that she had some food on her hand...some
rice...which added to my impression of how cute and innocent she was!
I woke up
Contemplating this dream, imagining what events and mechanisms in my
subconscious may have fostered such a journey I can only offer the following.
These are what I figured to be the triggering events:
The "convention" seemed to come from some of the TV shows I've been watching.
Usually some type of mystery taking place at a hotel/motel convention site. It also
had origins from my 18 years of retail experience and serving on the McCook School
The "guy calling the shots" was of course based on my vast experience of being
an underling to all sorts of stupid bosses and the man resembled a "managerial"
type I have recently seen at the local Super Saver grocery store. Actually, this
guy seems to be a hard worker and a good man, but in my dream this is what
my "boss" looked like.
The "lunch tables" began looking like regular brown conference tables but ended
up looking exactly like the lunch room tables at Sammy & Nathan's school,
where Ruby and I shared school lunches with them recently.
As I fumbled back to reality. The real world. I tried to piece together the remnants
of this dream. I was pretty much aware and awake when it occurred to me...
wide eyed and wondering...wondering...wondering...was this somehow
a divinely inspired dream? Was this sweet little girl... the sweet, animated, little
brunette...Baby Hansen? Was this a dream of "eternity in their hearts?"
I can't say. I don't know.
I do know that Darcey and Frank Hansen conceived and lost a baby.
When Ruby and I were informed that God had decided to take their baby
straight to Heaven thunder rolled and lightning appeared in the sky.
It seemed an appropriate way for God to receive Baby Hansen into
His Kingdom.
Postscript to God:
Were the two little girls in this dream, the two little "indistinct" girls...
could they be the twins Ruby and I