May 03, 2005 20:47
Well this weekend was sick, yo Friday was fuckin awsome all the gents came over and we blew shit up meng!! ha ha it was sick butane bombs and what not then lighing my yard and the frog on fire and then the music videos, me curry and scaff going to getty at 1 in the fuckin morning!!!!! yeah chillin out going to bed at 4 o clock in the marnin and then wakin up at 8, playing K-1 for a few hours Kennys fake cry, me and The Lykes obsession with fire jimmy having an orgasm about all the shit we did lol jk, bowling me greg and kennys "FIGHT" at wndys, gregs cut, my dad laughing at eric because he caught him dipping, us just talking about shit. Saturday waking up talkin tellin eric how much of a slob he his because of the fuckin millions of banana laughy taffy, me and kenny here till four kenny slept from 1 to 4 and leaving, me then chillin, Amies house , me and gallo bored about to drink sarah said she was leaving we left, they didnt leave, top gun and chicken pizza at Gallo's, Midnight club 3 in gallos room. Sunday woke up gallos moms drove me home took a shower said my hellos and shit, walked to Sarahs, listened to Kanye on the way there, thinking about shit on my walk there like i always do when i walk there, watched Moulin Rouge then hook, chilled had pizza drove +AA and her friend to patterson to drop her friend off, Sarah going to ames to get her shit and me going up the steps with her cause shes scared. get back Gallo comes over pretty much passes out, he lef i had no ride moms and pop were still in Albs so Chris picked me up with Shan, Pops skills with the trailer backup, almost hit the house, me and chris making the ghetto couch with the bed, watched the Eastern front on the history channel, fell asleep woke up it was at the same part i left off at but it was lie 12 so i guessed it showed again. School, then the soccer game me marky jimbo Gezzy and some others, complete rain we were drenched, left went home, then had a short chat wit sarah, hw slept, then school, lightup lightsaber spoon eatin cinnamon toast crunch this morning and shit inschool for one period 5th orch. Talkin with breat and reading the people magazine chekcin out the fly hunnys lol. Louis not taking his pills, scoops me Marky and Jim and..... KATY PUMMMMAAAA!!! yeah walked home with Lyke always good talks with that gent great kid. Got home go the videos onto a disk, came back to school chilled with my banana and my water going uptown with Rollo and Dan, FUCKIN GREAT TIME!!!!! haaaa haaa haaaa yeah came back watched softeball for 1 minute Sarah calls me from the top of the steps, meet with her and Alyssa, Sraha puts her weird socks on, she doesnt talk to me and she is mean lol. Shes trying to prove that i was mean to her and she came up with one thing lol and the other was just that i was mean to her lol. they went to dance her and alyssa. Kissed her goodabye, saw paul and billy driving, went back down had wrestling and sheet so went to wrestling showed pat the vid and shit, wrestled, tortora got schooled by seth, Eric recieved the worst and i mean WORST STINK FINGERS EVER!!! Tossed COCO sry lol, talked with seth and shit seth drove me home listening to the game!!! got home had din din and now im here peace!!!