May 16, 2007 12:54
Not one but [i]two[/i] of my United flights today are delayed, which means I miss my connection to Bangkok in Tokyo by a half hour. I've got to spend 23.5 hours in Narita and fly to Thailand on Friday evening, which means I don't get to go look at apartments or pay my tuition when I'm supposed to. I suppose tuition I can pay later, but the apartments thing is really going to blow ass. Starting Monday I have school from 10pm-3pm, and most of the real estate places seem to only show during normal work hours, M-F. Ugh.
I assume I'm getting a hotel in Japan for my little stay in Limbo. I sent one of my former Chinese classmates in Yokohama an e-mail, maybe I'll get a morning/afternoon of hanging out in Y-town from it.
I started reading China Mieville's "Pedido Street Station" on the plane and it's kicking some serious ass. The flight from Tampa to DC went by like nothing.