Originally written at 10:00 am…
I am a fucking nerd.
Promise. Right now, I feel like writing, because I’m here in academic lab, bookless and lacking any real destination. I must make use of my time by writing, this will become a post later tonight. This activity is a clear infringement upon “strive for 45”, the academic lab motto coined as of this year. Academic lab is exactly 45 minutes of pure academic freedom, and it must be utilized every day. No sleeping. No chit chat. Just limitless potential for each & every student.
Stop to consider: How lame am I? Honest.
I really am using class time to make a post. Know what else is wrong with me? I mean, strictly in terms of being a shitty person. For the last two days, I’ve brought a roll of toilet paper with me to blow my nose in class. Mike H. laughed at me in economics last period when I shamelessly unraveled a pathetic excuse for a tissue. Soon after, since we were on the library computers, Mike looked me up on google. It’s time to make peace with the demons of my past. I wrote this around the age of 8-10…
*NOTE: If you think I’m a douche, today is your lucky day. The following are links to stories I wrote a long time ago, but apparently, not long enough. Essentially, I incorporated my name and my best friend at the time, Bobby, into a series about goblins that love television for some reason. I guess they fight some dude named ‘LOADED’ all the time as well. Anyway, writing stories was kind of like my thing back then, even though it clearly didn’t do me any favors in the long run. If Bobby had any idea how much I ruined the both of us… Sorry, Bobby. If you bother to read them all, the one where I acknowledge my fan club is totally bullshit. No one liked these. Angry moms just sent angry letters to my mom all the time since I used her e-mail address. She’d always talk to me about this… I just never learned. Enjoy.
http://www.kidpub.org/kidpub/kidpub-display-story.php?SID=5342 http://www.kidpub.org/kidpub/kidpub-display-story.php?SID=5217 http://www.kidpub.org/kidpub/kidpub-display-story.php?SID=4835 http://www.kidpub.org/kidpub/kidpub-display-story.php?SID=4755 http://www.kidpub.org/kidpub/kidpub-display-story.php?SID=4762 http://www.kidpub.org/kidpub/kidpub-display-story.php?SID=4768 Seriously, dude. I had a whole series on this site called Kidspub about fucked up goblins that fought each other. I revered myself as a coming of age thriller writer to an audience of my peers. Is it any wonder that I didn’t end up a lot more sketchy than I really already am when I wrote like this? The answer is yes. It is a wonder.
The volleyball girl who sits in front of me in here shares my love for Adidas classics, as she has the exact same pair as I do. I appreciate her. This is out of place.
Somewhere on the internet, if you wish to continue the exploits of my fighting goblins, all you have to do is look up “Tyler Thursby” on google. I think I even dedicated one story to Princess Dianna, and considering how violent they were, I hope you, reader, can share my amusement at the irony behind this gesture. The goblin shit was probably the tip of the iceberg, but I also pretended to go see movies before the came out and reviewed them on Kidpub. On other online outlets, I vented about Final Fantasy VII’s storyline, a video game. It doesn’t really matter how old I was. I definitely don’t feel cool either year it happened.
I just got red pen all over my nice shirt for auditions today. I think I probably deserved it for wearing a specific shirt for auditions. I will rock those motherfuckers on stage.
I will also, as clearly implied, never come close to being cool.
Here goes.
Originally written around 2:00 pm…
Dear Ty,
You are cooler than you think. This, coming from a genius of cool such as myself, is a massive compliment. Seriously. I like your journal. And I like that we have last hour together every day. I like that you like Gatorade. I like that you like to torture Katie. I like that you’re afraid of the Ring and of bugs. But mostly I like when you are happy and funny so stop fucking pouting.
Chelsea Marks