post DCI tour update:

Jul 01, 2008 22:18

ok, here's the quick skinny:

I drove 2000 miles in seven days, worked 5 shows in 6 nights. Visited 2 corps before a show. Averaged 16-18 hours a day on the clock. sucked balls. won't get into the details.... ever.

i listened to 8 hours of the "getting things done fast" seminar. inspired me beyond words

I worked a few hours at my extended families church in cedar rapids that was severely damaged in the flood.

got back last night and had the day off today to recover

enrolled today in the business entrepreneurship program at the community college. i'm elated about it. i start spring semester for 7am classes. that might be a punch in the crotch, but i don't care.

i got a another project management book at borders (also by david allen of GTD)

got a quickbooks book updated for the version we have at work

got a book from my coach of training routines for championship fighters

sparred 6 rounds for my first night back in the gym in over a week. no blood, mild black eye.

almost have my vacation figured out: 2 days of whitewater rafting, climb the tallest mountain in CO and various other activities

it's been a long week, but a productive week
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