Mar 14, 2006 19:46
god fucking damnit
why do i try to do work at home? it always fails miserably
im trying to get shit together for this show that i have to have my work submitted by saturday
i want to have another piece done
of course i accidently order the wrong cyanotype formula
same stuff, but u have to make it differently, involving boiling shit and using a mortar and pestle to grind stuff
and its a pain in the ass
i had to let it sit over night in a dark area to let it cool, then strain it through a coffee filter to get shit out of it
i placed it in the gun closet... never used... never lit.. no windows... anything more than a weak tungsten light will expose this shit, atleast thats what they say, ive never used this formula
of course i go to it today to strain it and the light is on in the fucking room
how long?
i have no idea
i may have possibly just wasted 30 bucks and potentially 10 cyanotypes on me forgetting to tell my parents not to turn the light on in that room... why would they? no one goes in there
im really fucking pissed and stressed out
i want to have this done by saturday, how the fuck is this gonna work?