Mar 11, 2009 23:03
It always seems it's all about White Day, never about Pi day. The one holiday us geeks can have and it gets overshadowed by flowers and chocolates. Ah, well, it's at least celebrating something important. Even if it is over commercialized and stupid there is at least a pure intent behind it.
And...actually I've been doing some thinking.
...The heart is more important than the mind.
When I realised I was brain damaged the only thing I cared about at first was whether or not I was going to lose my mind, my intelligence. But...really, I think I would have rather lost my intelligence, my mind, all mental capacity, long as I kept my heart and soul and my friends. All my're the world to me, no harddrive or coding system can ever replace any of you, no matter how much I may act like one can. Ryo, I can't tell you enough how much I love you. Ave, Yori, Molly, I'm so glad to have met you all and been able to call you my family, you've really helped me persevere through these past two years.
So just...thank you to everyone for being there for me. And thank you to everyone who saved my life.
Oh, and Ave? Happy Birthday.
[Attatched: a wonderful something!]
rabu rabu = crest of friendship?