Aug 06, 2007 16:20
i dont even like sleeping with chicks anymore. dont read into it too much. im still not going to stop. im still an animal with animal insticts like everyone else. that only think however, that i still enjoy, is a total after effect. after the deed is done, after you feed her a line about how you have to go home (or how she has to leave.) after all of this, something truely amazing happens. your in the subway, its 4 in the morning and your drunk. you have just had some mediocre sex with a mediocre looking girl. your already trying to get it out of your mind when it happens. you pick up on her smell. you whiff the air extravagently, looking like a fool. you smell your shirt, there it is. you smell your bag, there it is. everything you are wearing smells like this chick. it may have been the gum she was chewing. it may have been her shampoo. but it there, and its over powering. thats when the magic happens. the whole events of the night come rushing back to you. and not only are they back but they are romantacized to the point where they even sound cool! a sloppy fuck on some uglies bathroom floor suddenly turns into a smooth bang with a hot honey and the reason for the grimey location goes from necissity to kinky passion. this is why when we describe our sex acts to friends, they are glorified. not beacuse we are liars, or we like to look cool. but because our perceptions of these events can change quite quickly, espically with booze involved. there is of course, nothing wrong with this. it is the way of nature. the way that this really gets interesting is when we think of the fact the scent is the closest sense tied to memory. now, everytime i walk by someone chewing orbit sweet mint gum, or someone who has used herbal esscenses shampoo, i am thrust back into the memory of that certain gil to which the smell pertains. i have even gotten to the point where i have slept with 2 different girl who had similar lingering scents. i recall one day walking by a girl who carried that scent, and insted of remenecing about the time i shared with one of the girls, my head created a new fatnasy in which i was sleeping with both of them! now that is one powerfull smell motherfuckers...