(no subject)

Sep 29, 2009 09:20

Jesus, Chicago. Last week I was running around in shorts and a t-shirt and dipping my feet in the lake. Now it's forty-eight degrees out.

I'm about to call and attempt to finagle a three-month extension on my lease. Should I fail (and it's not looking good), I'll have to move home until I receive word on the job I supposedly have lined up. My brother generously offered to help me move my stuff at 4 AM (because traffic!!), so it'll be me and my dad handling everything.

Living in the city with no money kind of sucks--Dylan's here on Halloween! The Pixies will be here in November! There's no way in hell I can afford to see either of them! There's an art house theater literally right down the street but tickets are $10 apiece!--but I'll miss running by the lake at night and having a zoo within walking distance and generally feeling like things are happening around me.

Yup, just spoke to them and it's time to get cleaning and packing.

ETA: In other, more uplifting (and interesting) news, my grandpa's getting an athletic field named after him this weekend. AN ATHLETIC FIELD.
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