May 28, 2008 22:14
GodDAMNIT I'm so fed up with this high school bullshit.
Max and I skipped 5th and 6th period because I wasn't feeling we went and got something to eat. And by the way, the periods today were fucking 21 minutes long. It's not like we were missing much. But when we came back on campus through the alley, the fucking administrators SWARMED us. They asked us where we were, so we told them the two different places we had gone with our 42 minutes. And the dumb cow principal was like "We have a winner!". So they took us to separate rooms and told Max that they smelled alcohol on him. haha wtf?
They brought me into this room by myself..and the principal came in.
She said, "So, first off, let me tell you that your pupils are very dilated."
"Oh..well...I wear contacts."
"THAT doesn't change anything. Do you KNOW who i AM?"
And then they continued to grill me about doing illegal drugs. They gave me shit and laughed at me for everything that they could find out. They accused me of shit and didn't even listen to what I had to say, assuming that they were right.
I sat there and cried, and they yelled at me for crying. May I remind you that this is all for going to get something to eat?
They decided the appropriate discipline would be an in school suspension..which doesn't make much sense to me since they so obviously want me to go to class. Yet they pull me out of my classes all day.
My parents and Max's parents seriously just laughed. And both of our moms made calls to the school to tell them how disorganized and unprofessional they are. It's true. The only thing they focus on is discipline. It's like they get off on being horrible to kids. The principal never even said a word to me...or looked twice at me until she saw me coming through that alley.
On another note, a spider just crawled into an electrical socket in my room. Peace.