circles + cosplay

Oct 03, 2011 23:18

I've got pics from University of Montevallo, Alabama. We drew circles before our Anime Club meeting. It was at night, so it was dark and we had to use chalk from the science building. FYI, chalboard thin chalk doesn't last long. We were using nubby scraps and must have gone through a good 30 pieces. Therefore, circles were small. But we drew other things too! I drew a bunch of stuff on the blackboard in our meeting room as well.

Pics from outside and our board, plus a casual cosplay shot of me as Ed (didn't feel like wearing the full outfit because I'm fighting a post-AWA cold).

Warning: Slightly image heavy.

Pics under the

Would have better pics and would look better for the cosplay, but I'm just so ugh right now being sick, so all I managed is wig + half my costume for a casual Ed. I hope to do a full shoot this fall.

photos, drawing

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