Apr 19, 2005 03:00
this is gonna be a quick update bkuhh it`z late nd i have skoool 2morrow so hurr it goez.....
2dayy @ skoOl
per.1 - didn`t go kuhh i gOt late 2 skOol ...
per.3- gOt derr 2o minutez intO da cLass...just chiled untill i went 2 lunch...in lunch i had a blast !@ 1st me,yadii,krystal, nd joana were sitiin derr den we got back 2 get our food ..i was kinda of sad kuhh ii didn`t c my baby =/ buh fuk it den we sat derr nd started eatiin ...my baby came nd hugged me ..i was about 2 turn 2 kiss until i noticed i couldn`t do dat so fuk it ...den aftea lunch i went back 2 per.3 nd sum teacher cum 2 talk 2 us about sum shiet it was fun thou ....
per.5- did a lab..
aftea skOol was gOod lik always chiled w. marliene,alain,rocio,jelard,krystal ,ect ..o nd i been bringin my camera bkuhh i wanna start my fOtkii ..ight dat`z it gnite muahz muahz <33