hey lOve`s ..
well hurr`s da update :-D
last time i update i left you ladiies of 4rm wed. afternOon ..well dat niTe me Nd
_rubia went 2 dOLpHiin 2 c da ring twO ..which was gay !!!!!buh we had our fun...wen we gOt drOped off we went intO da LiiNe 2 get our tickets fOr "ring twO" nd da guy was flirtiin w. us i mean he was cute buh no we can do betta ;] den we went inside da bathrOom basiicly kuhhwe`re gurls ;] den i was peeiin +
_rubia was lOokiin @ herself in da miirrOr ..&& we started talkiin abOut gmOney & den he called i almOst 4gOt 2 pull up my pantiies b4 i put on my pants of how excited i was.. i mean i gOt sOo happiie my face light up lik wen u turn on ur christmas tree....he tOld me dat he wanted 2 c me nd 2 get hOme a.s.a.p. so i`m lik yea i`ll c wussuh tryiin 2 play hard 2 get buh insiiDe i was juMpiiN up nd dOwn ;] den we clicked nd me nd
_rubia dediiced 2 gO 2 diiNner so we went 2 sum place derr dat`z rite next 2 jOhnny rOckets ...which is latin food ...we had "ban con bistec " yumiieee den my fuCkiin` ex which @ dat time he was still my boyfriiend didn`t fuCkiin stOp caLLin me nd den he left me a message dat saiid "look idk whut`z gOiin buh babe plz pick up ur phOne wen i call plz ..blah blah " i let
_rubia hear it of course ;] he sounded lik a fukiin` littOo desperate dOg lOokiin 4 a hOme buh oh well :]den he kept on callin so i just tOld
_rubia 2 pick up nd tell him i was pierciin my ear nd i couldn`t talk ;] nd she did ...den w.e. half way thOu our dinner gmOney called again tellin me 2 go hOme i`m lik no i still have 2 watch da mOviie he`z lik ahh dat`z fuked wen i wanna c u u can`t c me blah blah ..buh w.e. we finished our dinner && maDe Our way upstaiiir`z nd we watched da ring two omg it`z was soo lOng nd bOring nd FAKE i mean lik u can tell it was aFAKEmOviie ..me &&
_RUBIA kept on fallin asleep it was funniie...den w.e. our ride tOok 4EVA 2 get derr so we said fuk it nd my mOm picked me up + lik 3 mintues of me beiin in my criiBb gmOney came ! i was soo happiie buh i acted soo cOld i mean i didn`t wave @ him my mom started talkiin 2 him kuhh she wanted 2 c wussuh bettween of coursee me + rubia weren`t listeniin so yea den
_rubia left nd i stayed alOne w. hiiMm we were in my liviin rOom nd bro i was confesssiin EVERYTHANG 2 him i mean EVERYTHANG stuff dat i`ll neva wanted him 2 nOe nd i was cryiin nd telliin "bro everytiime we`re fukiin 2gther sum1 has 2 cum nd fukiin ruiin dis ..why can`t we fukiin be 2gether brOo !"i think he gOt scurred ;[ oh well he`he nd he told me dat he likes me nd has feeling`s 4 me nd he can`t get w. me nd kuhh he noe`z he won`t be able 2 be faithful nd he doesn`t wanna hurt me i fOund dat sweet kuhh @ least he`z tellin me da truth yOu nOe...den w.e. we were just talkiin abOut hOw we fuked our 1st tiiMe nd hOw my littOo sista chriisty
laydiebacardii had 2 hear us + iidk we were just talkiin about our memOriies nd blah blah nd he gOes meng i love you nd i jumped on his lap nd started kissin him i mean i attacked da poor child ;] nd we started talkiin derrty nd i mean wen i`m fuCkii`n i talk derrty as fuCk kuhh deii lik dat..nd mOst of da tiiMe i play a liittOo lil gurl nd call dem papii or daddii nd w. gmOney it drives him crazii buh i mean nsane!!nd i`m lik "daddyy !" nd den i couldn`t hold meng i mean i had my eyes rolled back nd i was cryiin buh it felt soo gOod buh da prObLem iis i`m tight buh lik a virgin type of tight so image ..anywaiii`z we fuked + den we chiiled i was sleepy so he left ..he called me wen he gOt hOme ..oh yea wen i walked him 2 his car he`z lik babe wait listen 2 diis sOng i`m lik okies nd he was jammiin 2 "fallin by alcia keys " i`m lik babe ur gay nd w.e. we started daNciiN 2 it outside of his car ..i`m tellin i can be soo gay sumtiime`z so w.e. i just chilled upstairs nd told
_rubia everythang dat happend ;] + den alex kept calliin me so i stayed on da phOne w. hiiMm unTiill fukiin` 8 in da mOrNiin he was callin me babe nd sweet talkiin me thank gOd
_rubia warned me buh in a way i were`nt fall 4 his gaMe...den w.e. i knocked wOke up @ 7:3o on thrusday which was suppOsed 2 be sundays @ da bay buh i was party poped so i stayed hOme w.
_rubia ..gmOney came by on thrusday 2 drOp me off sum ice cream ..as all u noe ice cream is my FAVORITEST food out derr so he scOred pOiints...on friiday i went 2 da fair w. inDiiaNa,nelly,jaCky,&
_rubia den met up w. juve aftea da fair ahh i dun wanna even takl about dat nite ..den saturday i chilled w. my mOm 4 a few nd den i went 2 superwheelz w.
_rubia it was ight i mean i dun wanna spend anOtHer saturday niiTe derr unLess it`z Liik either dat or stay hOme ..tato droped us off @
_rubia`s hOuse nd we gOt derr nd we eat den her dad tOok me hOme ...sundayy was easter which was gOod, my grandmOm passed by w. sum yumMiie hOmecOoked fOod .. den my brother`z gurlfriend angie tOok me 2 get my belly peirced as her gift 4 easter i thought dat was realiie sweet of her ..den my brother`z boyz,angie,& my brother went 2 dolphin den 2 walmart nd had dinner @ hooters ...sum funnie shiet happened me nd angie went 2 da bathrOom nd we were talkiin about how lik i wiished i new sum1 dat served buh i mean lik had da real goOd shiet nd dis nigga was listeniin 2 us nd he came up 2 me wen i went back 2 da bathrOom by myself he`z realliie str8 turns out he`s da sOn`s owner i`m lik nd he gave me applicatiion ..i was um..yea sure !den we went 2 blOckbuster nd my brOthea brOught me 3 mOviies ;] awww wut a sweetheart den i came hOme nd of courseee deidiced not 2 go 2 skOol on mondaii online i was talkiin 2 my beby
_rubia nd w.e. i was tellin her i think ima pergant so does she i mean we go thou EVERYTHANg 2gether !! we started talkiin about da "what if`s" i honeslty dun have a guy by myside dat will take care of me ..buh i noe i have a good friends ;] ..last nite i didn`t sleep all niteeee !!! nd i still went 2 skOol i mean i was soO wOrried kuhh i tOoka tiny nap in da afterrnOon dat day nd i had a dream a had a baby nd she died in my arms so i wOke up cryiin i mean whu willn`t ? buh yea so i came hOme sO fuCkiin` triied 2dayy ...i wOke up @ 1o:4o p.m. image nd i`m still sleepy buh wOrried =/ ...i have a LOT 2 thank
_rubia she made me relaziie if i`m comfortable w. whut i`m weariin + dOiin i shouldn`t giba a fuck whut ppl say ..she bOosted my self esteemm ..i mean i love her w. all my fukiin heart you ppl have no fukii`n clue ..our bond is soo strong even aftea everytnang we been thOu ;] dat`s well i love her ...um..skOol is bOrniin chucky got suspend kuh of da day he pushed jeaniie nd shiet suppsoly miss fisher saw hiim nd shiiet so he got suspsend 4 1o days buh iidk ...anywaii`z i`m noe i`m gettin you bOred sOo muahz ...i`ll update sum pics 2mOrrOw kuhh my cOmputa is getiin me pist !