Apr 13, 2005 16:41
Well Im updating ya'll. Its been awhile I know. Last weekend didnt do too much. I painted my room still in the redecorating process. The walls came out cute. I'll have pics when its all done. I helped out with this lock-in for the lil kids at the dance studio. OMG these girls were poppin and vibrating. They were just out of control. They were poppin stuff they aint even got yet lol!!! But it was koo though, some of those kids were hyper.
This week so far has been crazy at school. Monday we had a drug bust. That is so embarrasing to be at school and u get carried away in handcuffs. Cant say I know anyone that got busted cuz u know Ima good girl LOL! Tuesday there was a fight right after B lunch. It was these two girls fighting over some boy. They crazy. Aint no boy worth fighting over!!! But it was hair pulling and all! Some funny stuff! Today's drama happened in the morning. Some white gurl called this one girl a ho, while she was talking to her boyfriend. Well her boyfriend was bout to beat the white gurls azz. It was hilarious!!! Then later I heard she started calling all the black gurls ho's. Okay I go to basically in all white school. Its like less than 1% black people there. So ya'll do the math, its about 20 black people out of about 3000 students. So now I guess all the girls are ready to beat her azz. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
I still got pics I havent posted from my party. So maybe Friday I will post them.
Bout to go watch my show the OC, thats the bizness!!
Would you ever fight over someone of the opposite sex?
Have ya'll seen Omarion's and Nellys new video? (I know its off the subject)