
Dec 02, 2010 00:53

Quatre has stocked up on decaf coffee since the last time Trowa was in this room, even if he made an amiable face at the bag when he pulled it out. Trowa would have been fine without, and even bothered to say so, but Quatre is Quatre ( Read more... )

really at milliways

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04_after December 2 2010, 06:14:05 UTC
Quatre's thinking, and one of the things he is thinking is that he definitely didn't have any ulterior purposes in mind when he decided the set of rooms needed a couch.

Well, okay, his ulterior motives existed, but they were entirely innocent; for instance, it's nice to be sitting warm next to Trowa on something that isn't hay. Not that there's anything wrong with hay, when it's not a ridiculous temperature outside.

Well, not entirely innocent.

... He's gotten off track.

Glancing up from his coffee he smiles, slight and (more than slightly) pleased, at Trowa. "I think, maybe," he says, "I've lost my enchantment with winter."


3nanashi December 2 2010, 06:15:26 UTC
Trowa's return glance says: Oh?

(It's also fond, in Trowa's impassive way, but that's not really a surprise.)


04_after December 2 2010, 06:17:14 UTC
"You may not have noticed," he concedes, graciously (jokingly, fondly), "but it's approximately the weather for penguins. Though there are some warm-weather ones of those, aren't there. Polar bears?"


3nanashi December 2 2010, 06:20:15 UTC
Trowa considers that assessment with all the seriousness it deserves.

"It's a little warm for them."

It's a little cold for humans from a temperate colony, however, yes.


04_after December 2 2010, 06:23:23 UTC
"Mm," Quatre acknowledges, grinning. "Perhaps they are warm-weather polar bears. Though, I should hate to see their cold weather..."


3nanashi December 2 2010, 06:27:08 UTC
"It's probably not the place for them," Trowa agrees, deadpan.

Milliways isn't all that cold, really. When you've been to Antarctica, Scotland doesn't seem so bad. (And that's leaving aside outer space -- but that's a subject Trowa prefers to leave aside.)

It's still a lot nicer to be indoors where it's warm, though.


04_after December 2 2010, 06:38:34 UTC
Quatre rolls his eyes, huffing a breath of amusement.

He falls silent, mildly entertained but still thinking about something else entirely.

After some minutes, he asks "What's the religious makeup of Milliways, do you know?"


3nanashi December 2 2010, 07:03:23 UTC
Trowa takes a moment to consider how to accurately answer that.

"It's fairly scattered. More people seem to come from Christian-majority cultures than otherwise, though. I don't know about devoutness level. There seems to be a pretty high incidence of secularity, but it's hard to really be sure in this context."

"There are also some people who say they're gods and goddesses, but I haven't met anyone who seemed to worship them. None of them I've seen seemed to expect it."

Well, maybe kind of Aphrodite, but in a slightly different context.


04_after December 6 2010, 06:36:46 UTC
You mentioned those before." Quatre pauses, thinking, before smiling slightly over at Trowa. "I was wondering, given the party notice."


3nanashi December 6 2010, 06:49:36 UTC
There are a lot of notices on the barroom bulletin board at any given time, but only one that's party-related right now. And it's pretty conspicuous.


"Last year a priest led a Christmas service." Trowa didn't go, but there were signs up. "Most of the public celebrations are fairly secular, though. In terms of significant observance of religious holidays, it seems to be mostly Christian and Jewish major holidays, and Cubefall. That's Cybertronian -- it's not of Earth origin, from the descriptions I've seen."

"Most of the other holidays are ones like Halloween and April Fool's Day, which aren't primarily tied to a religion for most people. If I had to guess, I'd say those were chosen to a large extent for the visibility of their public celebration."

In other words: for hijinks and minor mayhem.


04_after December 6 2010, 07:13:59 UTC
Quatre slips his left hand under Trowa's right, resting his thumb against the side of Trowa's knuckles.

"I suppose that fits the demographics I've encountered," he says, amiably, "but I didn't consider extrapolating that to how the bar as a whole functions. I suppose Hannukah could be occurring over the 25th, by local standards."

Saturnalia and Hogswatch he doesn't even know.

A sideways glance: "I think I might attend."


3nanashi December 6 2010, 07:20:23 UTC
Trowa's palm is warm from the coffee cup that's now in his left hand. He has another drink of coffee, and lets his fingers curl comfortably around Quatre's.

"Maybe," he agrees.

He hasn't checked the in-bar dates of lunar holidays in a while. He makes a mental note to do so; it probably isn't going to be relevant, but you never know.

He returns Quatre's glance -- a little inquiring, but idly. (He's wondering if Quatre has a particular reason, or is just being ecumenical in his pursuit of social contacts.)


04_after December 6 2010, 07:36:11 UTC
"It might be interesting." He drinks some coffee, as well. "I've never been to a Christmas-etc. party, before, and the man putting it on seems worth getting to know. He's very thoughtful, hosting all of those Life Support meetings.

"I don't think he uses any of it for personal gain."

Strangely. Quatre doesn't know what Guppy sees in the endeavour at all; he doubts the man is being paid for it.


3nanashi December 6 2010, 07:41:49 UTC
That's very unrealistic altruistic of Guppy, if so. And Quatre's assessment of these things can generally be relied upon.

(It's not that Trowa is a complete cynic about human nature; he doesn't think everyone looks out for their own gain to the exclusion of all else. But there are lots of kind of gain, social included, and Trowa is used to monitoring everyone and everything just in case. He never turns off the mental note-taking.)

He nods slightly, acknowledging Quatre's statement.


04_after December 6 2010, 08:25:54 UTC
Quatre laughs, quietly, setting his coffee mug atop a coaster on the side table next to him.

"Ever the skeptic." He manages a hint of fabricated disappointment. The smile at the corner of his mouth unfortunately undermines it.

Quatre extends his right hand, offering to take Trowa's mug as well.


3nanashi December 6 2010, 08:27:40 UTC
Trowa's amusement doesn't show.

"Sorry," he says, deadpan, and passes over the half-full mug.


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