
Feb 10, 2007 09:24

Don't you love how the insomnia comes almost immediately after starting a fast? I was up till 3am last night. However, I am working on a new song. I wish I could get another acoustic guitar. :(

So I went and applied for a job yesterday. Yuck I dressed up and everything. >.< I sincerely hope I get it. I n33dz t3h f00kin m00n4yh!!

I gotta be a little more wary today with my fast . . . I am starting to actually feel the hunger coming on. I have a sinus infection, and I constantly have to be around a sink. I'm spitting up the drainage because I dont know the caloric content of snot. heh

Last night when I was up till the ungodly hours, I watched an episode of the Tyra Banks show. I never watch that show, but I saw the graphic flash on the screen that said "Dying to be Thin." She was talking to models and stuff about anorexia. Then she talked to this lady, who was 77lbs. She was an image of perfection, but I bawled my eyes out. It was pretty emotional and weird. I mean, I knew that lady was about to keel over, but I could not help myself but totally ENVY what I saw. *sigh* she was just so beautiful. The whole show had lots of thinspo in it.

Here's one for the post:

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