Oct 27, 2011 21:11
With a decisive flick of the wrist, Buffy turned the TV off, severing the announcement in mid flow. ‘Giles, what do you mean, we have no books on this? ‘
Giles removed his glasses in his peculiar mannerism. ‘Well, you see, this apocalypse… its not part something the council ever… expected’. His voice petered out.
Xander turned from the now-blank TV. ‘Mongolians? What? What have we done to Mongolia?’
Ignoring him, Buffy continued ‘So you say that its entirely natural?’
Giles paused, momentarily lost in thought. ‘Well, not natural entirely, but not explicitly supernatural.’
‘So they’re vulnerable to magic?’
A pause. ‘ Um. Yes. Yes, I, I can’t see why not. At least there are no indications why it should be immune to the mystic forces.’
Buffy smiled, a half grimace on her face. ‘Worth a try then. Can you & Willow cook something up then? The rest of us, well, we’ll the fort, whilst you do something against Mr Ming and the Mongolians.’
‘Mongans’ Dawn, corrected, ‘and its Emperor’.
Buffy deferred to her sister ‘Sorry, Emperor Ming and the Mongolians’