Jan 20, 2007 17:26
Okay so this week went by really SLOWW. holy crap. We had FCAT practice and I got a freakin' 40%. wtf. I'm seriously going to fail. D: shit. !! we got report cards though and I actually did good. I got straight B's. Which means I got honor roll. who knows how I managed to do that. haha. I haven't gotten honor roll since 4th grade. geez. [: Hmm, last night Chris came over. he rode his bike to my house. which is like REALLY far away. haha. We just hung out and played bloody knuckles.[: When he left I had the worst night ever. My parents seriously crossed the line. I'm not talking about it though, so don't ask. My mom was a total suckup today. I didn't want to act all mean to her though. Oh, and today was Tuckers birthday. He turned 10. d: He's almost as tall as me now. haha. jesus I'm short. he got an ipod nano, which was pretty cool. He's been singing really loud now around the house. It's pretty annoying. :D OMFG, I'm going to the circus tonight!! how fuckin' cool?! Katie invited me to go with her, so I'm ditching Tuckers birthday dinner to go with her. haha, sorry Tuck. I haven't been to the circus in about three years, so I couldn't pass that offer up. [: haa, I'm so immature. ah well. I need to go get ready.