May 09, 2006 16:14
AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! sorry...just had to get that out there...
today has been interesting...
I was ready to clock ms. leondhardt today over a debate we had in english. she stepped completely out of line, throwing herself into a very upsetting debate, and arguing that prostitution should be legalized (because women generally choose to sell their bodies...yeah...that's what every child grows up dreaming to be......AAAAAHHH!!) Tell you what Mrs. Leondhardt - why don't you get up off your White, spoiled butt, and take a walk into the city? Check out the shelters, take a look at poverty first-hand, see all the people who can't afford to buy food, to pay their rent, and then tell me women CHOOSE to be prostitutes, and we should enable that choice. Again, AAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!
Anyway...seeing Mr. Wenstrom was fun. We watched 'Amelie' in French which was nice, and the fire-drill H block (while a little chilly) was pretty funny. I had my first driving lesson (seriously...whodathunkit?). It went pretty ok - I have to work on turns and Bill had to lightly brake and turn the wheel a coupla times. However, he said I did really well, and I drove all the way to Bedford! Cool!
ANywhoo, I'm gonna go b.s. some English work. A shout out to my Mormon Lesbian wife Priya! I love you! We love you!!!