Jan 14, 2006 02:26
Just got done watching Kill Bill Vol 2. Good movie. I really do hate snakes. Eye balls getting squished is not good. Well on to what happened today. First I called in sick to mighty. Back hurts and I want 4 days to rest it. Mobil on the other hand was just weird tonight. I dont know if it had to do with Friday the 13th and the full moon or maybe the nice weather but people were just dicks. Ty got yelled at for no reason and called a liar. Next person who asks me if Im serious Im just going to respon with "if you are asking me if I am lying to you I can assure you I'm not." Just see how they handle it. They get mouthy well Im a big guy and im good with knots. It has also just accured to me that sometimes in this journal I use Im when I mean I'm or I don't always capatalize I. For this I'm sorry. I just dont pay that much attention to detail in here.
Another person asked me if I knew how to do something and my response was I know how to do my job. Fuck these people. Im tired of being talked down to. It ends now. Tyler and I are smarter than 95 percent of the people that walk in there and its time they knew that.
All this however is strange. I'm angry, but I'm also very happy. I don't know why but I just feel at ease with life. Lets see if that keeps up. Now for the quotes and I'm done.
No good reason quote is what I said when looking at the time: "Well it's 10oclock and I'm still gay"
Quote of Tylers when an asshole customer got mouthy and said they wanted something else: "Too bad"
Night all.