Fimbulwinter, Again

Feb 10, 2010 11:24

Like everybody else, it's been shovel, get out if possible, and otherwise vegging around the house.  Pic-linky here:

While snowed in Saturday, baked a mince pie and made a batch of Gingerade from Hell (tm).  Saturday nigh'ts Coquille St Jacques turned out large enough so that we just had leftovers on Sunday. Friday and Monday, pizza (and weren't the guys at Vocelli glad to see me come and pick up). We'd planned to fire up the crockpot yesterday, and I wasn't sure of work. Ergo, did the prep work Monday night for Moghul Chicken Curry. Turned out that I didn't have to go in (funny thing, that) and took my time with the crockpot. I did get out-and-about, for prescriptions, breakfast bars, and whatnot. Turned out I needed some ginger for the curry, so I did a recon of the Grand Village supermarket that replaced the Safeway near us.  I was wondering, based on the name, if it was related to a certain other ethnic supermarket in Centreville. Walked in, and snagged one of the GrandMart handbaskets, and stopped wondering.  For Nothern Virginia locals, think of it as a GrandMart with a healthy dose of Safeway organization and neatness. You can walk past the seafood counter without worrying that a crab will reach out and snag your ass. The aisles are actually labeled by ethnicity.  Price labels on the shelves are in English. They've also still got a fair amount of the old Safeway's Gaijin Chow(tm). I'll probably go there first, when I need Asian food fixins. Meanwhile, we're supplied through Monday for nice-to-have stuff, and next week for necessities.

Last night, I shoveled 3" or so before bed. Got up at 0700, shoveled another 3 or 4". Looks like 4" or so more has fallen. Meanwhile, I'm 10-15 minutes from being mobile, any time I have to be.

I want spring. NOW.

reading, snow, cooking, ethnic groceries

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