Been following the friendslist and commenting there, but neglecting my own stuff. Quick recap:
When last y'all saw me out and about, I was between a gig at a small-town fall fest, and Henricus Publick Days. That weekend, 19-20 Sep, was a blast. The Godspeed came upriver from Jamestown, and docked at the bluff. This was a major publicity draw, so some visitors actually came out. We had around 5,000 there on Saturday. I think that's the biggest crowd since the Publick Days after Jamestown's 400th. I had a steady stream of folk come through the hospital. Nobody fainted this year, but still managed to do a pretty good job of showing off the Virginia Company's HMO. This year, I decided not to try to make it to the Island, for Bacon's Rebellion. Last year was too insane. That meant, of course, that I could stick around for the burger-fest grilled out behind the Ordinary. Sunday, lather, rinse, and repeat. The trip home on Sunday evening was a two-Monster drive, lemme tell ya.
At work this past month, we've been doing a Secret Pal type thing for our Monthly Morale Booster. Being the usual un-inspired me, I plied my designated buddy with assorted peanut-and-chocolate carbs, and lots of Starbucks Iced Mocha. Meanwhile, my weird-ass answers on the likes-n-dislikes questionnaire almost drove my Secret Pal insane. She wound up getting me a Starbucks card, and a Star Wars canon hardback. Works for me. Speaking of work:
Dear Lenovo, AT&T, and Sierra:
Please come up with a wireless card / software / laptop combo that reliably does NOT cause randomly-selected Lenovo ThinkPads to seize up when the card's inserted (or when booted with the card in), then reboot when it's removed.
No love,
T'other weekend was hectic, again. On the 26th, A. was the organizer for our circle's Equinox celebration. We did it out at an orchard, between the Blue Ridge and Front Royal. Being me, I had trust issues with the weather forecast. We got out there as it began to rain. Selected a picnic table, pulled the EZ-Up off my car roof, and put it up. Collected jealous glares from the soggy folk at the other tables.
Saturday night was my 35-year high school reunion. I may look crusty and middle-aged. A goodly percentage of my classmates look fscking ANCIENT. I did notice a slight positive correlation, around .65 or .70, between how decrepit they looked and how trashed they were at the end of the evening. Still, a fairly good time was had by all. Some of the 20-somethings out clubbing would have either freaked out, or collapsed in laughter, watching the dance floor. Of course, they'd also have freaked, listening to the amount of rock-n-roll, early metal, and whatnot that the band was playing.
Still and all, if I hadn't been on the reunion committee, I probably wouldn't have punted the Imperial Gunnery Academy. I bugged out at 2330, half an hour before it ended. I got about four hours of sleep Friday night, thanks to doing the procrastinate-and-cram thing on the 180 nametags for the evening. Spent 6 hours drinking coffee, slurped a Monster on the way home, and crashed the instant I hit the rack.
My coworkers decided to put together a pseudo-commercial for our department, to be played at the monthly staff meeting. It was a take-off on the current-generation Mac vs PC commercials. One of the helpdesk analysts was the hipster portraying our IT department. Guess who got to play the suit, representing a random somebody-else's IT department. Right. I wore a coat and tie, and removed the BatBelt, to dissociate myself as much as possible from the dill-weed that I was portraying. I also wore Friday-casual to work, the day of the meeting, to further emphasize the difference. Fortunately, the meeting ran overtime and the department never showed it.
This past weekend was my first semi-unscheduled one since before Coronation. I'd planned on some Shooty Goodness for Saturday, possibly followed by poking my nose into the gun show. One of the plague rats at work managed to infect me, late last week. Was all I could do Saturday to perform a massive grocery-shopping run, and cook up a batch of Chicken with Cashews and Green Curry.
Yesterday, I got up early enough to throw a batch of Pork Panang in the crockpot. Then, we headed out to MDRF. Ran into a few old friends, including some SCAdians from the Pennsic gun crew. I didn't realize that they lived in-kingdom. The Royal Atlantian Artillery, such as it is, actually has two gun crews (assuming they ever decide to become officially Atlantian :-)). Caught Wolgemut and the Pyrates Royale. Also scored some hardware for my next bench chest.
Today, I realized the bug had crawled out of my sinuses and down my trachea. I'd started to cough a bit last night, then it was worse this morning. I called in contagious, to work. Aside from my usual Monday night gathering, and requisite chores like dinner, I spent most of today here in the Den, on the PC.
Tomorrow, I shall fortify myself with a large bottle of Tussin, and go forth to get my Myers-Briggs score evaluated. Not, mind you, that I don't ALREADY know it and what it means. Here's my result for the HelloQuizzy Brutally Honest version:
Your result for The Brutally Honest Personality Test...
Commander - ESTP
80% Extraversion, 20% Intuition, 95% Thinking, 37% Judging
It's all about action with you, isn't it? You're outgoing and right to the point. Fast moving, fast talking and often fast spending. Your motto is "Just DO it."
Wow. You move faster than the Flash on a treadmill. (Yes. I could have thought up something cleverer than that. But honestly, you're just not worth my time.)
To carry on the superhero theme, you're comparable to the Hulk. Except you're uglier. And you're slightly more intimidating. People flinch when you're around for fear you might exert your dominance and order them to do 50 press-ups.
Perhaps if you calmed down a little, people wouldn't be so scared of you. Of course, something would have to be done about your face. Is plastic surgery an option?
This insatiable appetite for action means that you're not exactly into long term commitments. You get bored incredibly quickly and tend to jump in and out of relationships like the Energiser Bunny.
Eventually you're going to run out of people to bounce to, and you will end up a very lonely and hated individual.
If you want to learn more about your personality type in a slightly less negative way,
check out this. Take The Brutally Honest Personality Test at