Quickies, lost in the shuffle of the past week...

Nov 05, 2008 22:08

  • A week ago Friday (the 24th), A. and I went down to Manassas to the Empty Bowls charity event. It's a fundraising activity wherein a potter donates bowls, restaurants donate food, and they invite contributors. In other words, the charity is on the part of the ceramics people and the restaurant. We just went down, got some really neat bowls, and filled 'em up. In my case, it was Thai fried rice, and some garlic chicken.

    Since then the bowls have held chili, porcupine meatballs, Moghul chicken curry, and a couple of other goodies. Well broken-in, they are.
  • wanusmaximus mentioned this when it happened, but I'm playing catch-up. I may never ride Metro again. Not, mind you, because I'm afraid of eee-ville terrist guys. I simply don't go places where I have to put up with a bunch of idiot TSA rejects, searching me or my bags.
  • With all due hazmat precautions in place, I cut up, de-seeded, and set to dry in the oven, what will probably be the last batch of peppers from this crop. The "probably" is because there's some green ones on the plants, left there when the frost hit last week. We hadn't expected them to survive the frost, but the plants apparently only lost foliage on the side away from the house, out in the wind. Some of the peppers are turning  a bit of color. Not sure, as yet, whether it's ripening fruit or rotting of dead stuff.
  • I need to start inviting newbies and coworkers to the range, more consistently. The more people we bring in to the Gun Culture(tm), the more support gun owners will have, politically.

food, news items, peppers

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