Busy Weekend -- So Far

May 27, 2007 19:20

Saturday: Had to get up early (for a Saturday), and run down to NVCC in Springfield for an AHA first-aid class. My esteemed employers re-certed us all in CPR/AED last week. Unfortunately, they didn't include FA and I need both cards.  This particular class was definitely geared toward the "I know what I'm doing, gimme the damn card" crowd. I wouldn't have wanted to take it if it was my introduction to first aid.  For me, of course, it was perfect.

Afternoon, groceries and crock-potting of a batch of Easy Thai Curry(tm). This particular batch was green, with about 4 lb of mixed shrimp, scallops, and chunks o tuna steak.

Sunday: Up a tad-bit early, again. A. and I had been discussing a canoe trip together for years. Well, we finally did it. Neither one of us has been in a canoe since the 1970s. We'd (obviously) never gone boating together. So, we opted for a short trip. Shenandoah has a three-miler, called the Sampler. Easy trip, once we got our control-freak issues sorted out. The Sampler is a stretch of nominally-smooth water. On the Shenandoah, this does not mean the same thing as it does in Wisconsin or Minnesota. What I was referring to as "riffles", she was calling "rapids".  After docking at a reef so I could switch to the stern, things went more smoothly.  PS: If you're going to get in water up to your pockets, a Kel-Tec is a good gun to have in said pocket.  Polymer =/= rusty.

Home in time to tidy up a bit, and then got to the Roadhouse for dinner -- just before the line of storms came through. Talk about yer perfect timing... Rain starts while we're having our salad, and the stuff stops hitting the fan as we're finishing the steaks. [knocking vigorously on wood]

Monday: [EDIT]  Spaded the garden. A. got her tomatoes planted. My habaneros aren't near ready to plant. Took a few whacks at The Basement Monster, mostly rearranging. Made Chili.  Trying to lower the cholesterol, I put in Hot Turkey Italian Sausage, Ground Turkey browned with Jerk Sauce, and Ground Buffalo browned with Barbecue Sauce.

In Other News:
Got my class schedule for Pennsic. I've got three in:
Subject(s): Health  and  Safety, History
Medicine and Physick in later SCA Period
        Erich von Kleinfeld
A discussion of Medicine and Physic in the late Middle Ages and
Renaissance.  Handouts limited to 30 students., 8/6 6pm at AS 12

Subject(s): Black Powder, Arms  and  Armor
Period Firearms, 1326-1600
        Erich von Kleinfeld
A discussion of the evolution of firearms in period, with notes on
black-powder safety in the SCA.  Handouts limited to 30 students., 8/4
4:30pm at AS 12, 8/8 4:30pm at AS 12

Subject(s): Black Powder, Black Powder
The Arte of Shooting in Greate Ordnance
        Erich von Kleinfeld
Discussion of period artillery, with emphasis on Wm. Bourne's
late-16th C manual. Also covering gun drill in the SCA.  Handouts
limited to 30 students., 8/7 5pm at AS 12, 8/9 5pm at AS 12

chirurgeon, teaching, cooking, gardening, trips

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