SCA friends will know of what I speak, others, ping me if you want an explanation:
To: Board of Directors, SCA, Inc
cc: Various lists
Re: Proposal to De-Warrant the Chirurgeonate
My Lords and Ladies of the Board of Directors, Greetings!
Those of you who know me personally, can attest to your colleagues that I can be a nasty, cynical, and jaded curmudgeon. Thus, it will probably come as no surprise that I harbor a sneaking suspicion, that we are being presented with a fait accompli, rather than a request for input.
That said, I would point out that the Chirurgeonate does not provide, nor has it in the past, "medical services by licensed practitioners". The Chirurgeonate is a first-aid organization. The upper end of our standard of care is bounded by "Does not require a license to do". I suspect that the SCA's counsel and insurers may be confused as to the actual scope-of-practice involved.
Nota Bene: I am not a lawyer, ergo the following may very well be talking through my hat. I invite correction if I'm wrong.
My major concern with this action is that it will effectively gut the protections we enjoy under the Volunteer Protection Act, in that we would no longer be "officially", for whatever values of "official" one chooses, volunteering for the organization. Good Samaritan Acts apply, primarily, to emergencies. Band-Aids and ankle wraps might not be covered.
Should my cynical suspicions prove correct, I would ask one thing: During the dismantling process, I beg of you to release the heraldry of the Chirurgeonate, to whit the goutte-and-fleam, for use by an unofficial Chirurgeons' Guild.
Yours in Service,
Lord Erich Von Kleinfeld, MC,
(For the moment) Deputy Kingdom Chirurgeon, Atlantia
[DW Original]