Today is an auspicious day on my annual calendar. Thirty-two years ago, about this time of day, SGT 3fgburner, US Army, got up, and went on-post at Fort Sill for the last time. A few hours later, MR. 3fgburner, civilian, hauled ass off-post to change into civvies. I hung around Oklahoma long enough to ship my stuff home, and make one last SCA event in Ansteorra. By August 1st, I was back in Virginia. A year and a week or two later, I made my first Pennsic.
Fast-forward to now -- I've been neglecting Das Blog for the last 7 months, and should get back into it. Not to mention, this lets me procrastinate just a teensy bit more, before spending the weekend in Pre-Pennsic Prep Panic(tm). To that end, I shall get back into bloggage by simply aggregating my thoughts during the day.
First up: the Colorado theater shooting. Consider my usual blather about gun-free zones, self-defense rights, and so forth to have been said. Now, on to the substance:
I generally suck at emotional-platitude gushing over people I don't know. On the other hand, my google fu is strong. A search for "colorado shooting victims donate", and a little digging to get past the **GAG** Huffington Post link, got me to The second link, Network for Good, takes Paypal and credit cards (with an option to add the service fee so it isn't taken out on the other end). I suck worse at snail-mailing checks, than I do at emotional platitudes.
Next: I've seen a lot of links on FacePlant, to Eagle Scouts sending their medals and patches back to BSA National over their discriminatory policies. I never made it to Eagle. Made Life Scout overseas, then came back Stateside. Making a long story short, I switched to Explorers. Poking around today, I discovered an interesting link. I had never heard of the
Baden-Powell Service Association before. Looks to me like an interesting bunch. Methinks that rather than try to find my old Life badge and mail it back, I'll fire up the plastic on payday. Then, I'll send the BSA National HQ a copy of my BPSA registration [eeeee-ville grin].
On to SCA stuff: Zero Night is in six days. I'm actually working that day, so will miss the party most likely (I'll either motel-crash on the way, or get there after the party). I have a major and a minor sewing project to do, gear to inventory and pack, stuff to swap in and out of the locker, and cartridges to roll for my gun class. I should have started last weekend. D'oh. Still, what gets done will be done, what doesn't isn't essential.
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