First Week Back, survival thereof

Jan 08, 2012 22:42

Got in to work on time, jumped into my tasks, and promptly got swamped. All the crap that's been hanging fire since late December has come home to roost.  On top of which, when I'm training new users, or on an hour-plus tech call, and they keep assigning me stuff, the backlog piles up.   Speaking of which -- Ma'am, if we're going to be doing a remote hookup to our network, PLEASE get on a machine that isn't older than your students are.


By now, the buzz has gone out that Atlantia and Aethelmearc will be allying against the East and Middle, this Pennsic.  Should be interesting, particularly if all the other kingdoms hook up with the E-M side.  I'm looking forward to this. One of my goals for 2012 is to get back into fighting trim, such as it is.

Also climbing back on the diet wagon -- we'll see how that goes.   Oddly enough, I plan to start eating MORE at breakfast, and let's see what that does to the daytime snacking.   Contribution to  the freezer this weekend was several dinners' worth of the chicken curry that we had last night for dinner.

Today was the January PinkShoot. Since nobody else made it, I finally got in some decent trigger time. 225 rounds, from .22 to .45ACP. I am SERIOUSLY out of practice. Been so busy showing others how, I've neglected my own shooting. This will change.

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shooting, work, cooking, life in general

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