Pennsic Redux, Liam Style

Aug 12, 2011 14:04

I'll just go with bullet points, in semi-chronological order.
  • First trip up: Got car loaded, rolled out on schedule. 6 hours flat to Troll, the usual.  Zero Night amusing, albeit a bit tame. Some interesting times, triggered by an email on the block agents' list at 2030 to the effect that the block geometry was wrong on the map.  0800, met at the Bath-House, and re-surveyed the block.
  • Saturday and Sunday, setup.  At one  point, I was running on a bottle of water into which I'd dumped an MRE ice-tea packet, and a 5-hour energy shot.  Baron suggested I go get dinner.  Ground too hard for our post-hole digger. Barony now owns 2 portable holes for 4x4s. Heater set up.
  • M-T, town run back home. Captayne-Generall of Artillery asked me to pick up the powder.  I-68, US219 to Somerset, and tunnel avoidance FTW.  Wednesday, back to Pennsic by 1300. Unloaded, set up furniture, and pulled 2000-2300 Watch shift.
  • Thursday, hung out at Chi Point and did the shooting version of my gun class.
  • Friday, Chirurgeon and party.  Re-upped my ASHI CPR via challenge.
  • Sat-Sun -- Shifts, errands, Taught Armor Extraction class in there somewhere, since Od (the developer of the course) wasn't handy. Baked mince tarts for the Baronial Social to come on Monday evening.
  • Monday, fought in the Valley Battle.  I need a new chin strap.  The high-tech pinch-buckle one doesn't work unless it's choking-tight while being fastened. Caught an Atlantian-grade face thrust. People told me I was bleeding down my face. Found out you can gross out the enemy by licking blood from mustache and glaring.  It stopped bleeding a couple resurrections later.
  • Monday afternoon, was NOT going to wear Ren-spiff to shoot with the musketeers for the Rapier battle. T-Tunic and handgonne, FTW.
  • Made Mardi Gras at Fledermaus.
  • Tuesday, shot for woods battle, then commanded muskets for rapier. This time, used musket for the shot.
  • Wednesday, 8 hours at Chi Point.  Didn't go partying.  Did have my new experience for this Pennsic: Had Master Michael Graham, Barber-Surgeon, shave me in the marketplace across from the barn. Ansteorra's chili was excellent.
  • Yesterday -- Medical class 0900-1100, Evolution of Firearms 1700-1900. Gun muster at 1930 for night fire. Shot at 2100, then down the hill to Chirurgeons Party. Culminated with bog crawl to Lost Boys, with some fellow Atlantian Chirurgeons.
  • This morning:  Field battle started ON TIME, no kidding, did. Fired Munchkin for the last 3 times this year.  Now, get caught up online, some tidying and packing in camp, and crew chief shift 1600-2000. May take a late Watch shift as well.
Summary:  A good War, I've had better, I've had LOTS worse.  Didn't make some things I'd planned, did some unexpected. I'll be back.

pennsic, chirurgeon, cooking, fighting, fun, security, guns

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