We're going to some new friends' place for Samhain tomorrow. The request for the potluck was to bring "something your ancestors would have liked". 3 dozen mince tarts are now in the fridge. That was the last pie's worth from my last batch, so Thanksgiving week will mean a workout for the crockpot.
By way of dinner, the oven also yielded up a pork roast. That one was easy -- poke 10-12 knife holes in the fat side of the roast, stuff with pieces of garlic, and then dust with a couple of tablespoons of freshly-ground rosemary and a bit of black pepper.
Currently, the oven has a rack of split Hazmat peppers. I actually bothered to count, this time. One rackful is half a gross / 6 dozen peppers, de-seeded and split in half for drying.
A. did the final picking from the pepper bushes yesterday afternoon, in advance of last night's frost. She got all the ripe ones, plus any green ones that looked to be turning. They're sorted by ripeness into paper bags, which will concentrate the ethylene gas emitted as they ripen. Depending on the ripen-vs-going-bad ratio, I could get another couple of racks of peppers.
Monday will be Irish Pot Roast.
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