I'm not dead yet...

Oct 05, 2010 22:21

And I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. Just been too wrapped around the axle for the last several weeks, to post anything more detailed than FacePlant status updates. Going more-or-less chronologically:

I went down to Henricus for both Saturday and Sunday of Publick Days weekend, Spent the entire time on my feet in the hospital, making people glad that it's 2010 and not 1613, from a medical standpoint. With typical insanity for that weekend, I didn't stick around for dinner, or stay in the Fort. Instead, I drove down to Jamestown Island, and assisted with burning the place. At any rate, we symbolically burned it by lighting cressets scattered around the townsite. This was in aid of their annual presentation of Bacon's Rebellion. Crashed in Williamsburg that night, then on Sunday morning, headed back to Henricus. Got to see the Henricus Militia's boat, the Phoenix, for the first time.

Hence, the "Car Trouble" Icon. Heading in, I was right between the two exits for 50E and 50W, in the right lane. Dude in the second right lane hit his brakes, and the woman behind him swerved to avoid. She proceeded to put me into the guardrail. GEICO totaled the car, but I was able to negotiate a fix-it-anyway deal with some out-of-pocket expense. Meanwhile, the gal who hit me was cited for improper lane change (Understatement, anyone?) and driving on suspended. Turns out that her Allstate policy was cancelled, as well. Argh! I'll let GEICO go after her, and tear its pound of flesh out of her butt. There was one bit of amusement: I told the tow driver to take my car to Mastercraft, the folks who fixed it in July. That left me stuck, unless I wanted to file with GEICO on my Blackberry. Meanwhile, the trooper told the gal who hit me that if she got behind the wheel of her semi-drivable car, the trooper would take her to jail. This lead to Hit-Me Woman begging me to drive her car to the shopping center near my house, where her friend could pick us up. Got me home, at any rate. Meanwhile, I've been driving an econo-skate for two weeks. Ironically, it's the same car that I drove when I was getting a new catalytic converter, in August. Go figure. I'm out of pocket some on the repairs, but may have my baby back on Friday.

For the most part, I hung around the fighting area. Went through a whopping six gallons of water, and two of Gatorade. At an actual fighting event, that would have lasted the first hour of fighting. Since we had two Armored fighters, I got to watch a whole bunch of cut-and-thrust, and a lot of rapier. This was cool, because I haven't actually seen all that much C&T before. There's a lot of academic stuff in there, from European (mostly Brit, German, and Italian) fighting manuals. Got to watch a bit of the blacksmithing. Did NOT have to treat any burns, thankyouverymuch. Sunday, we got rained out of RennFest. Basically, I vegged.

My primary objectives were to get a carry handle for my AR15A2. I got a flat-top upper for it, and put on a red-dot and backup irons. Shot a friend's with a quick-attach carry handle, and felt a longing to return to my roots. So, I got a carry handle. I've also been browsing the surplus vendors, and have put together a mostly-complete set of more-or-less Vietnam era web gear. The pistol belt's wrong, I think that's late 1980s. Rest of it is pretty close to what I was issued, a couple years after 'Nam ended. We won't talk about paying antique / collectible price for something the same age as stuff I wore once upon a time. *cough*geezer*cough* Zeroed the sight on the carry handle, Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening, after a dinner of country-style ribs, I loaded mags for Sunday's PinkShoot(tm). While in dragonish contemplation of my hoard, I realized I was low on 9x18. It went on the Sunday-afternoon shopping list. Sunday's shoot was small. Had a new-to-the-group shooter show up. In addition, killernurd joined us as well. A good time was had by all, and then I went over to the gunshow and snagged those goodies which I'd thought of, after Saturday's trip. I was, however, a good boy. There's a Romanian pistol I've been seeking, to round out my collection of Commie Iron(tm). I saw, but did not buy, one on Sunday.

It's somewhat amusing that my car woes look like they'll be bracketed by Henricus trips. This weekend, I'm teaching musket drill and period medicine, at School of the Musketeer. I'm going to have to find a temporary replacement chest for my barber-surgeon kit. I realized how bad the accident had been when I found it on its side, lid torn off, and realized that the small wood-screw I found in the front passenger footwell was a lid screw from the chest. That is, the chest that was IN THE FREAKING BACK of my SUV. I may email Trooper M. and suggest that she also charge Hit-Me Gal with driving uninsured...  I also need to re-label my bottles, and re-fill a couple that spewed all over the car. Fortunately, the Aqua Vitae bottle didn't spill, and cause inconvenient odors for the troopers to sniff.

On the upside, new things have been stocked up in the kitchen. I'm starting into my third jar of dried habanero peppers, and we should have one more big picking to cut-and-dry before the frost. The freezer now has a couple of dinners-for-two of BBQ pork. I also froze three dinners-for-two and two singles, of beef stew from Sunday's crocking.

Sunday, after I get back from Henricus, A. and I are going to MDRF. Monday, it'll be the National Gallery of Art, for the Arcimboldo exhibit, and the  Museum of Natural History, for Written in Bone.

This entry was originally posted at http://3fgburner.dreamwidth.org/. Feel free to comment here, or there using OpenID.

pinkpistols, cooking, jamestown, henricus, car trouble, guns

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