Happy holidays, torn_eledhwen! - One For Himself [Dr. Who]

Dec 17, 2010 08:40

Title: One For Himself
Author: alisanne
Recipient: torn_eledhwen
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters or Pairing: The 11th Doctor/River Song (implied), Amy Pond/Rory Williams.
Rating: G
Warnings: Possible spoilers for ‘The Big Bang’
Summary: Sometimes the Doctor has to be saved from himself.
Notes: Thank you to my beta-readers, who shall remain nameless for the time being, and to celandineb for running this delightful fest every year.
torn_eledhwen, thank you for inspiring me to do this. I’ve not had the courage to write a Doctor Who story up to this point, although I have written Doctor Who cross-overs in the past. This was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy it, and happy holidays!


One For Himself


“It’s Christmas,” Amy said, peering into the TARDIS screen. “You brought me home for Christmas!”

“Us,” Rory piped up. “I am here, too, you know.”

“I know. We’re married.” Smiling, Amy wrapped her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Mmm, husband and wife, off on a great adventure in time and space, just back from the honeymoon planet.” She kissed him again, this time slowly, with a lot more attention to detail.

“It really is all mouths with you humans, isn’t it?” The Doctor smiled a half-smile. “And I could have brought you home for any Christmas you like. I could have taken you to the first one.” He paused. “Although the TARDIS did get mistaken for a very important star that night.” He winked. “Anyway, Christmas is dangerous, remember that and be careful.”

At that Rory blinked, but Amy, ignoring him, practically bounced for the door, dragging Rory with her. “I can’t wait to see my parents! It’s the first one they’ll be here for.” She paused. “At least that I remember.”

Rory frowned. “Your parents are always home for Christmas, Amy. They’ve never been away at the holidays ever. They make a point of it.”

“They do now, anyway,” the Doctor said, turning one last lever. The TARDIS screeched to a stop with a low clang. “Right, here we are, Christmas in Leadworth, 2010.”

“Do you think they missed us?” Amy asked as she opened the door.

Rory shrugged. “We left them a note.”

“Things may be a bit different than you remember, Amy,” the Doctor warned as they emerged. “After all, you have the memories of two universes rattling about in your head.”

“I only really remember the one,” Amy said, clutching Rory’s hand.

The Doctor nodded. “You’ve still got the two, though, so be careful. Tricky things, memories. They can pop up at the oddest times.”

“That they can,” agreed a voice, and as all three watched, River Song emerged from the shadows. “Took you long enough to get here,” she said, consulting what looked like a watch on her wrist.

“Ah, River. Did we have an appointment?” the Doctor asked.

“No, but we will.” She smirked at him before winking at Amy and Rory. “How was the honeymoon planet?”

“Very nice,” Rory said. “Quite...warm.”

“Yes, it is,” River agreed, moving closer. “I loved my stay there. And you’re human now, yes?” She directed the question towards Rory. “Not a plastic Nestine duplicate still?”

“Er, as far as I know I’m human.” Sending a quick glance the Doctor’s way, he muttered, “Is that why I remember being plastic?”

“Yes, yes, Rory, of course it is,” the Doctor replied, distracted. “You’ve stayed on the honeymoon planet?” he asked River.

River inclined her head. “Of course.” She chuckled. “One day you may even remember it.”

“It’s cold. Let’s go inside and wait for my parents,” Amy suggested, moving towards the door.

“Wait!” The Doctor frowned. “Why’s no one home?”

“What do you mean?” Amy asked, staring up at the windows. “Oh, I guess it is a bit dark. Maybe they’re out.”

“On Christmas?” The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver. “I don’t like this.”

Amy rolled her eyes. “It’s fine.” She turned to Rory, arms akimbo. “Although I thought you said my parents were always home for Christmas? Why’s there no tree in the window, no lights?”

Rory sputtered. “As far as I’ve always remembered they’ve been home for the holidays! Maybe they went to church or something?”

“Definitely or something,” the Doctor said, stooping down to inspect the ground. Picking up a rock, he licked it. “Oh.”

“Oh, what?” Amy asked. “Has something happened to my parents? I only just got them back--”

“It could be nothing.” The Doctor straightened up. “Still, it could also be something. We should do some investigating.”

“How did I know you were going to say that?” River muttered, but she was smiling. “Where would you like to start?”

“No idea,” the Doctor said cheerfully. “What do people do in Leadworth on Christmas, anyway?” He was staring at Rory.

“Um, you know, Christmassy things.” Rory shrugged. “Lots of singing, Christmas carols and Christmas dinner and some people go to church--”

“Not my parents,” Amy said, crossing her arms.

“How do you know?” The Doctor was rocking back and forth on his heels. “Maybe they do now. Does strange things, rebooting universes.”

“Done that a lot, have you?” Amy asked, sarcastic.

“Just the once.”

“That he remembers.” River smirked when they all turned to look at her. “And rather than argue, shouldn’t we just check? The church isn’t that far, is it?”

“No, nothing’s that far here,” Rory agreed.

“Then let’s go.” River spun on her heel and started for the gate.

“Are you in charge now, then, River?” The Doctor hadn’t moved.

River paused, then spread her hands wide. “Not at all. If you’ve a better idea, sweetie, we’re all ears.”

“I say we check the house first.” The Doctor grinned, opening the door and entering the house. “Start at the very beginning.”

“If anyone says ‘it’s a very good place to start’ I’ll smack them,” Amy declared, following him.

“But I liked the ‘Sound of Music’,” Rory muttered, trailing after. He jumped when River linked arms with him.

“So did I,” she confided, smiling. “But don’t ever tell him that. He inspired that story and his head’s big enough.”

“He what?”

“Shh. Spoilers.” Releasing his arm, River strode closer to the Doctor, who was waving his sonic screwdriver around the kitchen. “Find anything?”

“They were cooking something.” The Doctor wrinkled his nose. “Smells like meat. Fried bacon, perhaps.” He spun to face Amy. “Is that normal?”

She shrugged. “We’re Scottish, we like to fry things.”

“What does this have to do with them being gone?” River asked.

“Who fries something and then just leaves?” the Doctor asked.

“Er, someone who’s taking a meal somewhere?” Rory suggested. “For a party or a...thing.”

“A thing?” The Doctor frowned. “At Christmas?”

“Have you ever even seen a normal Christmas?” River asked the Doctor suddenly. “You know, when aliens, well, other aliens, aren’t invading Earth or trying to blow it up with spaceships?”

The Doctor flushed. “Well it’s boring otherwise, isn’t it? Christmas without that stuff is just boring.”

“Christmas isn’t boring,” Amy said, moving closer. “It’s about family and friends and being together. It’s the one time people go home and spend time with their families, even the ones they never see at other times.”

“And in case you were wondering, we’re your family now.” River sidled up to the Doctor.

“Right.” The Doctor cleared his throat. “I think I need to pop back to the TARDIS for--”

Just then the door opened and Amy’s parents entered the kitchen. “What the--?” Amy’s dad, looking as portly as when she’d left, beamed when he saw her. “Amy, you’re home!”

“Amy? Where?” Amy’s mum stepped around her father and she hugged her daughter. “Oh why didn’t you tell us you’d be home for Christmas? And you brought guests! We were late at the grocer’s.” She shook her head. “Your father decided he wanted to make rack of lamb this year and he forgot to get the mint sauce.”

“Lamb.” River pursed her lips. “Yes, that’s just like bacon.”

The Doctor scowled at her.

“Oh, hello.” Amy’s father was shaking everyone’s hand. “I remember the raggedy Doctor, of course, how could I forget, quite the entrance you made at the wedding, by the way, and I know Rory, but who are you?” He extended a hand to River.

River smiled winningly. “I’m River Song. I’m a friend of the Doctor’s. Nice to meet you, Mr Pond.”

“I hope you’re all staying for dinner,” Mrs Pond said. “We have more than enough.”

“I really shouldn’t--” The Doctor, who had been edging towards the door, blinked as Amy, Rory and River all grabbed him.

“We are,” Amy said firmly. “The Doctor loves lamb.”


“Yes he does,” River agreed, steering him towards the dining room. “We’ll help set up.”

As it turned out, the Doctor did love lamb. “Apparently I was hungry,” he admitted after his second helping.

After pudding, they retired to the living room where Mr Pond broke out the good sherry and put on some music. As it happened, the Ponds had put up Christmas decorations, everything had just been unplugged. “I keep telling him it’s a fire hazard to leave them all on,” Mrs Pond said.

Amy, a bit giggly after her second sherry, ended up on Rory’s lap, her parents looking on indulgently.

The Doctor, excusing himself from the cosy scene, ducked into the loo before crawling out the window and starting out for the TARDIS. He paused when he saw River there waiting. “I knew you’d try to sneak off,” she said.

He sighed. “Why are you here?” he asked. “What’s the real reason? Is there something sinister going on?”

“Really, there’s no great mystery, no conspiracy.” She smiled. “And I came to make sure you have at least one happy and peaceful Christmas. We don’t often spend them together, you see. Well, not without there being...complications.”


“Spoilers,” she whispered. Reaching up. She kissed his cheek. “You really should stay and enjoy it. After all, it’ll be the last relaxing Christmas you have for a long time, sweetie.” With that she popped off.

Shaking his head, the Doctor reached for the door of the TARDIS, then paused. Turning around, he looked at the Pond home with its twinkling lights in the window. “Oh, what the hell,” he muttered, and, releasing the door, spun and started back for the house. There would be exciting Christmases galore. This one he’d take for himself.


rating: g, 2010, fandom: dr who, genre: het, genre: gen

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