FIFTH annual ficlet exchange!

Nov 05, 2009 11:54

I can't believe this is the fifth year I'm running this. Wow.

Because it got kind of complicated last year, with the extra fandoms, this year I'm going more or less to revert to the original three fandoms for this exchange: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Pirates of the Caribbean. (There will be a space for you to put in any other fandoms you might like to receive, but nowhere to offer other fandoms; so I won't do any matching based on that, it will just allow your giver the option to write in a different fandom if she happens to know it.)

As ever, fics are expected to be between 100-2000 words, and because of the small size of the fest and the multiple fandoms, only limited requests/restrictions are permitted. Posting will be anonymous again this year, as will sign-ups.

Look for the sign-up post shortly, and please spread the word!

2009, admin

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