Happy holidays, juniperus! -- Not So Predictable

Dec 18, 2008 13:07

Title: Not So Predictable
Recipient: juniperus
Fandom: Harry Potter
Author: angela_snape
Characters or Pairing: Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall
Rating: G
Warning(s): Highlight to read * non-epilogue compliant; Snape is alive *
Summary: Severus takes a temporary position at Hogwarts.
Notes: My first time writing McGonagall… I hope you enjoy it! Thanks to E for beta.

The tall, dark form of Severus Snape could be seen, silhouetted against the window of the Head’s office. Returning from chaperoning a Hogsmeade excursion, Minerva McGonagall glanced up again at the tower window, suppressing a smile.

Upon passing through the castle’s main doors, Minerva shooed the students to their common rooms and made her way to the gargoyle that guarded her stairs.


The gargoyle moved aside, revealing the familiar spiral staircase that would take her to her office. The heavy oak door stood slightly ajar.

“Your passwords are as predictable as Albus’ were.” The hoarseness of Severus’ voice did not escape Minerva’s notice.

“I was beginning to wonder if you would come, Severus.” Minerva took a seat behind the huge, claw-footed desk that so many Heads had used before her.

“I nearly didn’t,” was the gruff response.

“Are you here to accept my offer, then?” Minerva asked, barely concealing the hope she felt.

“You know I do not enjoy teaching, Minerva.”

“It is just for the winter term,” Minerva countered. “Professor Weasley has applied for parental leave.”

“Just what the world needs, another brood of Weasleys,” Severus snorted.

“Now, Severus,” Minerva admonished, “do be nice. It is nearly Yule, after all.”

Severus was silent for a moment, and appeared to be deep in thought.

“I will expect to be compensated appropriately,” he said, finally.

“Certainly. Name your terms.” Minerva suppressed another smile as she waited for Severus to continue.

“I will need a private lab attached to my quarters,” Severus began.

“Of course,” Minerva said. “Anything else?”

“No House duties.”

“Since Professor Weasley isn’t a Head of House, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

“And I will not, under any circumstance, supervise a Hogsmeade outing.”

“I am sure that can be arranged.” Minerva stood, offering her hand. “Will you accept my offer?”

After a brief pause, Severus took her hand, brushing the knuckles with his lips. “I will.”

At that, a contract appeared, outlining the temporary professorship and its terms. After both had signed, it duplicated itself, one copy filing itself in the Headmistress’ archive, the other hovering in front of Severus until he snatched it out of the air and shoved it into a pocket.

“Tea, Severus?” Minerva asked.

Severus nodded, taking a seat on a tartan-covered chair. Minerva rang the kitchens, and soon a house-elf popped in with a full tea service.

“Of course,” Minerva said once Severus had taken a sip of his tea, “there is the matter of chaperoning the Yule Ball…”


2008, rating: g, fandom: hp, genre: gen

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