Happy holidays, cruisedirector! -- For Auld Lang Syne

Dec 12, 2008 10:55

Title: For Auld Lang Syne
Recipient: cruisedirector
Fandom: Harry Potter
Author: emiime
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: New Year's Eve, 1981.

They had slipped away from the party for champagne-soaked kisses and furtive gropes in the light of the waning moon. For once, Remus didn't care that Sirius was far too drunk or that if anyone happened to look out the kitchen window, they'd be discovered immediately.

"Happy midnight," murmured Sirius between kisses, "Happy New Year. Love you so fucking much."

Remus smiled into the kiss, and he pulled away just a bit. He was shivering, though they'd only been outside less than a minute, though Sirius's warm body was pressed to his.

"Love you, too," he said. "Aren't you going to tell me this'll be our year?" Sirius had whispered that promise to him no less than a dozen times that night.

"It will be," said Sirius, "Just you wait and see, Moony." He threw his arms around Remus without warning, then, and Remus lost his balance. They toppled over onto the grass with its light coating of snow, both laughing. Sirius pressed another quick kiss to Remus's lips, then struggled to his feet, impeded by the massive quantities of champagne he'd drunk and by the bitter cold.

"Here's a hand," he said, and he hoisted Remus from the ground. "We'd better get inside before everyone starts looking for us, or before our bollocks freeze off. You know full well you're no bloody good to me with your bollocks frozen off."

Remus quirked an eyebrow. "And you think you'd be any worth to me without yours?"

Sirius quirked an eyebrow back. "I have plenty of other redeeming qualities," he said.

Remus was going to ask like what? but he grinned instead, and Sirius leant forward and kissed him deeply.

"Ready to go back?" he breathed against Remus's lips.

"Ready," Remus said, and Sirius opened the door to the crowded house, filled with people and warmth and laughter and songs and champagne.

"This will be our year," Sirius said into Remus's ear. He slung a friendly arm around Remus's shoulders and joined in the song that was already being sung.

2008, fandom: hp, rating: pg13, genre: slash

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