point taken. i hope it made it pretty clear this is an injunction against practice and lifestyle. i understand what was ment by transexualism, however, you'll not find that word in torah, bible, nor quran. we have a well-known example of a prostitute stopping to give water to a thirsty dog and god forgiving her and giving her a place in janna (paradise) for he rhumanity. we have the example of another woman in haddith also who tied up an animal and didn't feed nor water it and god condemned her to hell fire for her inhumanity. only god can determine final disposition of the soul. there are many mainstream people in this world doing heinous things and many people taking different paths that are questionable with more humanity in their hearts than many others have in their pinkies. see my point? so, not to debate the issue, i presented a very rudimentary and academic response to your question and only someone with far greater knowledge and understanding of quran/haddith/islam can truly give a better exegesis. uhm, the best way to start is from the position of seeking truth and accepting the result whereever it leads. is this response more explanitory of what i neglected to provide in the previous response?
it's in the hadith, and frankly it depends on which publication of the hadith and which collection you have as there where it would be located. i'm not sure that it's mentioned in koran.
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