Jan 07, 2008 20:20
Hello Friends!
So it's a lazy Sunday night (ok it's Monday that I'm posting this!) during an unseasonably warm night here in Chicago and I'm enjoying a nice glass of wine and watching one my favorite shows, L.A. Ink on TLC. The point of this email though is not to inform you all of my tattoo television show obsession! While it's a few days after the first of the year it's time to jump start my biggest resolution of the year, keeping in touch!! As most of you probably know there is a part of me that gets giddy at the thought of sending and receiving snail mail, whether it's postcards or Christmas cards I love cheesy stuff like that. But it's 2008 and email is the it form of communication these days! I also check sites such as MySpace and Facebook religiously! So, my thoughts? Make better use of my addictions this year and turn them into a redeeming quality rather than a procrastination tool!
Now I know I don't live the most interesting life... I'm not a jet-setter, I would be the most boring cast member on the Real World but I would love to keep up the chit chat with all of you about the everyday going-on's of our lives. If all I get from you are emails full of movie quotes I'd still be overjoyed! Or photo's of your new apartment or puppy. I miss all of my friends since we've gotten older and started sprawling out across the country. Heck, I even miss my own roommates from time to time with all of our hectic schedules these days! So if you like the idea of this New Year's resolution of mine please always feel free to shoot me an email, leave me a comment on MySpace or Facebook, call or text me (have I mentioned I'm obsessed with text messaging as well?) Ya know what... I think you should all just respond to this post, lets get the ball rolling!
PS. If you have an alternate email address you'd like me to have let me know, same goes for phone numbers, blog sites, MySpace ID's and Facebook names! ;o)~ Hope to hear from everyone soon!