that other survey

Dec 21, 2005 20:09

Here's the other survey it's short but eh it's a damn survey they're fun... sort of... I stole it from an American Express ad in Time Magazine...

My Name: Jeremy Bennett Carlson
Childhood Ambition: to be an airline pilot
First Job: Starbucks Barista
Last Purchase: Grande Vanilla Soy Chai at the Barnes&Noble Starbucks
Indulgence: oooh... too many to name here, Starbucks is one that has a lot within it lol
My Life: A whirlwind
Fondest Memory: Driving up Oracle Rd in Tucson towards the mountains and realizing the beauty of it all
Soundtrack: U2
Retreat: Tucson... or Jackie's house in the middle of nowhere (suburban Charlotte)
Wildest Dream: To become a world famous rock star and be on Bono's speed-dial
Proudest Moment: asking Jackie out
Biggest Challenge: (see proudest moment)
Alarm Clock: usually my phone's alarm initially, and my actual alarm clock as backup 5 mins later
Perfect Day: get up around 8:30-9, Starbucks, airport to watch planes, hang out with Jackie, eat, read some politics, guitar... yeah that's about right:)
Favorite Movie: Airplane!
Inspiration: Bono
My Card: US Airways Visa Signature
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