Holy crap look what I found!!!

Jul 28, 2005 00:12


What is your first name?: Jeremy
What is your second name?: umm... Carlson?
When is your birthday?: August 23
What is your zodiac sign?: Leo/Virgo... born day it changes

Look at Me

Whats your natural hair color?: medium brown
What is your current hair color?: medium brown
What color are your eyes?: blue
Piercings? Well.. I do have one in a... none;)
Tattoos?: nope
Long or Short Hair?: short
Straight or Curly?: straight
How tall are you?: 5'9"
Whats your shoe size?: 10 1/2-11

Currently Wearing

What shirt are you wearing?: U2 Vertigo Tour First Leg 2005 t-shirt
What kind of shorts/pants/ are you wearing?: Blue jeans
Socks?: yes
Underwear?: currently a proud wearer of briefs
Necklaces?: nope
Bracelets?: nope.. a lot of the time my One Campaign
Lipgloss?: nope
Mascara?: nada
Eyeliner?: never
Any other make up?: unless its coffee or something I got splashed on by at work.. nope
Is your hair up or down?: down sort of

This or That

Rock or Rap: Rock
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: Hot cocoa
Baseball or Softball: Neither
Wild Night out or Romantic Night in: a little both... hang out and do something fun, and then head back to someone's place:)
Top or Bottom: well.. I..
Front or Back: front... seat of a car!
Up or Down: Up... I have a lifelong love of flying!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate by a zit
Hummer or Sports Car: sports car... hate people with their big ass SUVs
Guy or Girl: girl.. I love my Jackie
Braclet or Necklace: bracelet
Pink or Purple: Pink
History or Science: History
Sleep in or Early to rise: I prefer to get up early... but most of the time its the first
Beach or Boardwalk: Boardwalk.. usually some stores or a bench to sit on are present
Hoodie or Tee Shirt: t-shirt
Night Or Day: both really.. I think better at night though
Boxers or Briefs: briefs thank you
High School or College: College
White or Black: I typically wear the latter
Jeans or Capris: Jeans
Love or Fun: both:)
California or Florida: somewhere in between.. Arizona!
Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: Simple Plan.. only because one of their guitarists- Jeff Stinco- is a big U2 fan
Love at first sight or Learn to Love: For Jackie and I it was the latter.. year of friendship led to the relationship
Babe or Baby: I wouldn't call a girl the first; and one, maybe, later in life
This Or That: That! Yeah!

Have You Ever

Kissed the opposite sex?: Yes
kissed the same Sex?: on the cheek.. when I was a child.. my dad
made out with someone?: Yes
Hugged someone?: Yes
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: yes.. as it was coming up on another part of the world!
Put a song on repeat for more than 2 hours?: In my head.. I really hated the song after that
Gone Skinny dipping?: Nope
Flashed anyone?: Nope
Mooned anyone?: Been mooned yes... by Ryan Connelly, Ruben, and Zeb
Laughed so hard you pissed in your pants?: No
Got in a fight with someone (not including siblings )?: been punched yes.. I didn't retaliate.. was smarter than that... let the camp couselor consequence the asshole.
Got chased by the police?: Nope
Got in trouble with the police?: Nope.. but it may happen someday.. as I am an aviation photographer, and after 9/11 police have become very cocky with and suspicious of people with my hobby.
Got detention?: Couple of times in middle school yes... 1 as the teacher couldn't see who was actually talking in class (person in front of me) 2) misinterpretation of events
Went to Juvy?: Never
Went streaking?: never
Crashed a party?: nunca
Got Wasted?: nope
Slept past 4 in the afternooon?: When I was sick.. or took an afternoon nap that was around 4pm.. ho!!!
Dumped someone?: nope
Got Dumped?: Yes
Rejected someone? nope
Got rejected?: nope
Skipped School?: Unless emergency or something had to take priority.. no

The Last

person you talked to in person? Beth
person you talked to online?: Beth
person you talked to on the phone?: Jackie
movie you seen in the theaters?: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
thing you ate?: Easy Mac!
drank?: orange powerade.. currently drinking it
laugh?: little while ago probably
cry?: couple of days ago.. when I talked to Jackie, and I knew how much I am in love with her
person you told you loved them?: Jackie
last time you had a shower?: last night before bed


Do you like surveys?: complete and utterly useless waste of time.. so Yes
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Head and Shoulders 2 in 1
Have you ever wonder what your life will be like 10 years down the road?: Yes.. and I have at least one thing in place- relationship
Are you scared of what life will be like in 10 years?: Eh..
Do you get along with your parents?: almost all of the time.. occasional bickering, but not much else
Are you old enough to vote?: Yes.. happily registered and life long Democrat here
Are you happy?: Most of the time
Are you sad?: Occasionally
Do you have mental breakdowns?: once in while when I'm overstressed or something
Did you ever tell you parents you didn't feel good so you didnt have to go to school?: yeah.. I'm guilty of this:)
Do you have a cell phone: yes
Are you glad this is over?: sure.. I'll go take a shower now and wait for Jackie to text or come online.

Jackie.. thank you for all that you have given me.. can't wait till you get back to NC!
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