
Oct 12, 2007 09:38

I've been so busy dealing with a cranky, teething, toddler, that I can't believe all the good stuff that has happened recently.

Grey and I have settled into a nice day to day routine. G did the MS150 City to shore ride a couple weeks ago. Grey is full-on full-time walking, using 5 or 6 signs, and a couple words (Mama, uh-oh, possibly baby).

The biggest news is that finally, we decided to register on the donor sibling registry website ( Some of our friends have registered there, and managed to find other couples who have used the same donor. We never thought we would find anyone, but thought we'd try it just to see. Well, we did find 1/2 siblings - and the donor. He registered as well, and has 4 natural children of his own. He turnes out to be a pretty nice guy, and has offered up pics of himself, his kids, and baby pic of himself.

At least the contact is there should Grey ever want it.
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