Update on the boy (warning for those who don't really care)

Apr 06, 2007 21:52

Today we realized that the boy (aka Greyson) has graced us with the courtesy of waiting until we are both in the room (that is waiting for days when we are both home) to acheive his major physical milestones. He did this for his first roll-over, his first sitting unassisted, his first pull to standing, and today: HIS FIRST actual crawl. Like where he is on hands and knees and moves opposite hand and knee to propel in a forward motion. Early this A.M. I indicated that I would be sad if he did this for the first time when he is at his G-mas for the weekend and I missed it. Guess he heard me!

He has been loco-moting around in various ways prior to this...i.e. scooting, army crawl, inch-worming, and his favorite - rolling. Last week he perfected going from lying down to sitting all on his own.

I guess this means that I need to install the baby gates at his door and the stairs!


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