woohyunized Title: Arrow in The Knee
Genre: fluff
Rating: PG-13 (for swearing)
Length: 9,600 words
Summary: Kyungsoo hates video games. He doesn’t understand why anyone would waste their time battling dragons or creating a virtual world, but when he meets gaming nerd Kim Jongin in a gaming store, he starts to understand why.
Notes: hi, recipient! i hope
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This was absolutely adorable :^) and video games
Man, my first fic sucked. Like really sucked. So im amazed.
Then again i was like 11 so...
Oh well
And totally. Breaking put of your shell is a great idea :^) i wish you much luck on your writing endeavors <3
I think as you keep writing fics, youll get used to the process and your writing will just keep getting better and better and after a while youll realize my writing isnt as good as a lot of other peoples (i dont mean this in a self deprecating way even though it sounds like it) ^^ thats what happened to me. I started writing fics and now my standards have become higher and higher and i notice when people could have rephrased something or when theyve used a phrasing i see everyone else use and its interesting
Anyway, good luck :^)
please don't say that your writing isn't good ohymgod :((((( eVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN UNIQUE WRITING STYLE RIGHT???? ? i hope you'll keep on writing even as the years go by even though it's virtually impossible because in time, our interests might change too. ((but for the better, of course)) ^_^
/catches your luck with my hands, puts them in a heart-shaped locket and wears it around my neck for the rest of eternity/ <3
Yeah school kinda gets in the way of everything. I dont have too many isues with it cuz im still in high school. I know a lot of fanfic authors arent and im like "how the hell do you find the time??"
In reality, i dont have the time either. I have a big lab report due today and i sincerely doubt my group has finished it yet. We have like 3 hours until school starts so... yeah.
Ill definitely still write, even if its not fanfiction. I do nanowrimo three times a year so that helps expand my writing time
Anyway, its 4am i should probably go be responsuble now. Ive been rereading ltwb for an hour now and thsts not gonna help me finish my schoolwork ^~^
We should talk more :^) just cuz this has been fun
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