So auditions for Damn Yankees - this year's spring musical - are tomorrow night. And I'm nervous. For those of you who know the show, I'm going out for Lola. I'm wicked excited though, because I have one up on everyone else auditioning for her: I danced for eleven years. So I kick ass at dancing, which Lola needs to be able to do. So... Wish me luck!
I just went through and shuffled around my icons again. And my new default is one that I did of MUCKANDPENK! Erin found a reeeealllllyyy nice pic of my Alex, so... Yeah. I need to update the ico journal soon, huh?
Oh, and for those of you who don't know, or haven't read it yet, there's a new chapter up on Only Do It For The Scars And Stories, Not The Fame on
Oh, and for those of you who hate them right now... HOW ABOUT THEM PATRIOTS?! <3
So yeah... I'll let y'all know how the auditions turn out!
<3 'Lyssa