Apr 15, 2004 21:55
Well...it's Thursday people. Thursday evening. Thursday night, in all honesty. In two hours and five minutes by my clock as I write this - oh, now two hours and four minutes...fabulous...it will be Friday. I've done nothing fun per se this vacation, I didn't expect to nor did I really want to, I just wanted to sleep and forget things. And I've done just that, so life is alright. I'm feeling particularly uninteresting these days, and without purpose or value (that's not a guilt trip, there is no need to reply and be like "Aww, I love you Emily!!!" just in case you were thinking of doing that...I mean, obviously if you want to, go right ahead, but it's not necessary). I feel very much like Eyore, now that I think of it. Tomorrow I am to visit with Shelana, and possibly Gina, and that should be pretty cool, I'm pretty happy about that, even though I know I probably don't sound it at all. I'm so tired. I don't even know why I'm writing this. I want school to start up again so I can laugh and have some mild fun and act the fool, as they say, and have some meager meaning but then I really, really don't want to even bother. There's no point! *hehe* I'm an honor roll student so near as I can tell and this is the last quarter, there's no point, just give me a fucking A or B+ on the finals now for god's sake.
Well that was egotistical and depressed. My apologies.
In all honesty, I'll probably squeak by with a C on the finals, or a solid B. I just get enough points racked up throughout the rest of the year that it doesn't hurt my grade all too much.
It's the final quarter...the fourth quarter...the second half of the second semester...the home stretch...only the rest of April, all of May and the first three weeks of June left. What is that, like 50 days approximately? Not bad. Then summer with Kelly. She comes up the beginning of June if all goes well. Plus there's the wedding shower the weekend after this upcoming one, then god only knows what in May, probably nothing except some shopping maybe, and then the wedding and June, and Kelly, too, like I keep stressing. THEN BOSTON AND CAMBRIDGE!!! And SHOPPING and the BEACH in my brand spankin' new BATHING SUIT (it's so awesome - it's a bikini top only not too slutty, and it's got those tropical green prints on it, and then a black skirt that swishes...that makes it sound shabby but ah well, you'll see it sometime I guess) and checking out COLLEGES and all the COLLEGE BOYS!!!
Well I've seemingly woken up.
And now I'm going to bed.
It's late, we've gotta get on home, it's late, we've been gone too long, can't speed, we're in a slow-down zone - baby, look at that clock...why can't it be wrong? *~* Ricky Nelson
Love always,